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Assigning variable number to complex array

I want to assign complex array as variable. My code is like

        complex indx(3,3)
        integer i,j

        do i=1,3
          do j=1,3
            indx(i,j) = (i,j)                
            write(*,*) indx(i,j)
          end do
        end do

and in this case I am getting an error like

 A symbol must be a defined parameter in this context.   [I]
                       indx(i,j) = (i,j)
like image 562
user2510906 Avatar asked Jun 22 '13 04:06


2 Answers

You must use function cmplx to build a complex value you want to assign.

    complex indx(3,3)
    integer i,j

    do i=1,3
      do j=1,3
       indx(i,j) = cmplx(i,j)               
       write(*,*) indx(i,j)
      end do
    end do

The syntax you tried is only valid for constant literals.

like image 192
Vladimir F Героям слава Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Vladimir F Героям слава

The answer by Vladimir F tells the important part: for (i,j) to be a complex literal constant i and j must be constants.1 As stated there, the intrinsic complex function cmplx can be used in more general cases.

For the sake of some variety and providing options, I'll look at other aspects of complex arrays. In the examples which follow I'll ignore the output statement and assume the declarations given.

We have, then, Vladimir F's correction:

do i=1,3
  do j=1,3
    indx(i,j) = CMPLX(i,j)   ! Note that this isn't in array element order
  end do
end do

We could note, though, that cmplx is an elemental function:

do i=1,3
  indx(i,:) = CMPLX(i,[(j,j=1,3)])
end do

On top of that, we can consider

indx = RESHAPE(CMPLX([((i,i=1,3),j=1,3)],[((j,i=1,3),j=1,3)]),[3,3])

where this time the right-hand side is in array element order for indx.

Well, I certainly won't say that this last (or perhaps even the second) is better than the original loop, but it's an option. In some cases it could be more elegant.

But we've yet other options. If one has compiler support for complex part designators we have an alternative for the first form:

do i=1,3
  do j=1,3
    indx(i,j)%re = i
    indx(i,j)%im = j
  end do
end do

This doesn't really give us anything, but note that we can have the complex part of an array:

do i=1,3
  indx(i,:)%re = [(i,j=1,3)]
  indx(i,:)%im = [(j,j=1,3)]
end do


do i=1,3
  indx(i,:)%re = i  ! Using scalar to array assignment
  indx(i,:)%im = [(j,j=1,3)]
end do

And we could go all the way to

indx%re = RESHAPE([((i,i=1,3),j=1,3))],[3,3])
indx%im = RESHAPE([((j,i=1,3),j=1,3))],[3,3])

Again, that's all in the name of variety or for other applications. There's even spread to consider in some of these. But don't hate the person reviewing your code.

1 That's constants not constant expresssions.

like image 29
francescalus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
