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Assign only if not already defined in Julia



Is there simple Julia syntax for assigning to a variable only if it is undefined (or falsy)? I mean something like Ruby's x ||= NEW_VALUE. I have tried x || x=NEW_VALUE but it throws an error. Barring easy syntax, what function can I use to check if a variable is defined?

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Sean Mackesey Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 00:12

Sean Mackesey

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2 Answers

You can use the @isdefined macro: (@isdefined x) || (x = NEW_VALUE).

like image 179
StefanKarpinski Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10


I've prepared a macro to deal with that little inconvenience.

macro ifund(exp)
    local e = :($exp)
    isdefined(Main, e.args[1]) ? :($(e.args[1])) : :($(esc(exp)))   

Then in REPL:

julia> z
ERROR: UndefVarError: z not defined

julia> @ifund z=1

julia> z

julia> z=10

julia> @ifund z=2

julia> z

An example of interpolation:

julia> w
ERROR: UndefVarError: w not defined

julia> w = "$(@ifund w="start:") end"
"start: end"

julia> w
"start: end"

But, remember of the scope (y is in the scope of for-loop):

julia> y
ERROR: UndefVarError: y not defined

julia> for i=1:10 y = "$(@ifund y="") $i" end

julia> y
ERROR: UndefVarError: y not defined

Let me know if it works. I'm curious, because it's my first exercise with macros.

edited: Julia v1.0 adaptation done.

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Maciek Leks Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10

Maciek Leks