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Asset pipeline for Ember.js, Express.js and Node.js?

I'm building an Ember.js application using Express.js as the backend. Right now, I load all my *.js files individually and store my Handlebars templates in my HTML file. I like to replace with a full-fledged "asset pipline" similar to the one in Rails. In a perfect world, this would support:

  • Convert CoffeeScript to JavaScript.
  • Pre-compile Handlebars templates using the Ember.js extensions.
  • Concatenate and minify JavaScript and CSS (production only).

I've looked briefly at Require.js, connect-assets and convoy. The first two don't seem to offer any easy way to precompile the Handlebars templates, and the Ember convoy integration is based on an out-of-date version of Ember.

ember-runner hasn't been updated for a while. grunt-ember-templates looks like a reasonable way to compile Ember templates to a single *.js file, so that might be a building block of a larger solution.

Is there any Node.js asset compilation system which Just Works with Ember.js? I'd love to have a Node.js equivalent of ember-rails.

like image 953
emk Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 19:03


People also ask

Does Ember use node JS?

Ember CLI is built with JavaScript, and requires the most recent LTS version of the Node. js runtime.

Is Express JS good for production?

It's fast, unopinionated, and has a large community behind it. It is easy to learn and also has a lot of modules and middleware available for use. Express is used by big names like Accenture, IBM, and Uber, which means it's also great in a production environment.

3 Answers

It's possible to build a very convenient system using nothing but connect-assets, grunt-ember-templates and a Gruntfile. First, we need to add the following configuration to Gruntfile.coffee:

      files: 'assets/templates/**/*.hbr'
      tasks: 'ember_templates'
        templateName: (sourceFile) ->
          sourceFile.replace(/assets\/templates\//, '').replace(/\.hbr$/, '')
        'assets/js/templates.js': 'assets/templates/**/*.hbr'

# Plugins.

# Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['ember_templates'])

Then, in our Express.js server configuration:

app.use require("connect-assets")()

In our index.html file, we need to add two lines in the appropriate places. These need be to processed through the Node.js template engine of our choice:

<%- css("application") %>
<%- js("application") %>

We then need to create assets/css/application.styl (which can use @import directives) and assets/js/application.coffee (which can use "#= require foo" comments).

To use this system, first run:


To keep the template.js file permanently up to date, run:

grunt watch

For everything else, see the connect-assets documentation. Note that I had more luck with Stylus than with Less, which appears to have issues with connect-assets at the time of writing.

Other tools which are maturing rapidly

Since I wrote this answer, I've come across several other good options that handle asset compilation in various ways:

  • ember-tools doesn't support CoffeeScript or stylesheets (as far as I can tell), but it handles other asset compilation, and it seems quite popular.
  • brunch.io handles a wide range of asset compilation tasks, including CoffeeScript and various CSS preprocesors. The most promising plugin appears to be brunch-with-ember-reloaded at the moment.
like image 133
emk Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10


A good starting point example project using Grunt:


like image 43
CraigTeegarden Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10


I started working on a setup for using an Assetfile with an ember project, this is based on the peepcode tutorial and added the build tools, see: https://github.com/pixelhandler/peepcode-ordr

As for compiling coffee script this is an example doing that... https://github.com/OC-Emberjs/peepcode-ordr-test/blob/assetmanager/Assetfile

# Assetfile
require 'rake-pipeline-web-filters'

output "public"

input "js/tests" do

  match "**/*.coffee" do
    concat "tests.js"


# vim:ft=ruby

And precompiling the Handlebars templates like so...

# Assetfile

# See Getting Started readme
# - https://github.com/livingsocial/rake-pipeline/blob/master/GETTING_STARTED.md

# See Assetfile examples:
# - https://gist.github.com/dudleyf/1557811
# - https://github.com/ryanto/ryanto.github.com/blob/master/Assetfile

require "rake-pipeline-web-filters"

output "public"

class HandlebarsFilter < Rake::Pipeline::Filter
  def generate_output(inputs, output)
    inputs.each do |input|
      # for sub-templates we can't really use '/' in a filename so using '__' instead, then replacing
      name = File.basename(input.fullpath, ".handlebars").sub(/__/, "/") 
      output.write "return Ember.TEMPLATES['#{name}'] = Ember.Handlebars.compile(#{input.read.to_json})"

input "app/templates" do
  match "**/*.handlebars" do
    filter HandlebarsFilter
    name = proc { |input| File.basename(input.fullpath, ".handlebars").sub(/__/, "/") + "_template" }
    minispade :module_id_generator => name
    concat "js/templates.js"

# vim:ft=ruby

Here is an example file I used to start from: https://github.com/hjr3/dasfd/blob/master/Assetfile

like image 25
pixelhandler Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
