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Assertion failure in NSEvent?




thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm fairly new to JavaFX and have a weird error in my compiler that I would like some insight on.

Here's the error:

2018-09-13 19:09:36.387 java[8040:660455] unrecognized type is 4294967295
2018-09-13 19:09:36.387 java[8040:660455] *** Assertion failure in -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppKit/AppKit-1652/AppKit.subproj/NSEvent.m:1969

Here is the code I am working with: This is in a .java file named applicationSettings

public static double lookupUser(String name, String password) throws IOException {
    InputStream inputStream = applicationSettings.class.getResourceAsStream("/files/users.xlsx");
    XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
    XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    Integer lastRow = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
    int currentRow = 1;

    while(currentRow < lastRow) {
        if(sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(0).getStringCellValue().toLowerCase().equals(name.toLowerCase())) {
            if(sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(1).getStringCellValue().toLowerCase().equals(password.toLowerCase())) {
                double accessLevel = sheet.getRow(currentRow).getCell(2).getNumericCellValue();
                return accessLevel;
    return 4.0;


This is in a .java file named loginScreen

EventHandler<ActionEvent> loginClicked = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
        public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
            double userFound =  0.0;
            try {
                userFound = applicationSettings.lookupUser(usernameField.getText(), passwordField.getText());
            } catch (IOException e) {
            }//END of Try/Catch
            if(userFound == 1.0) { //1 is Admin Access
                //TODO: Implement Login
                System.out.println("Admin Login");

            }else if(userFound == 2.0){ //2 is Elevated Access
                //TODO: Elevated Access
                System.out.println("Elevated Login");

            }else if(userFound == 3.0){ 
                //TODO: Basic Access
                System.out.println("Basic Login");
            }else{//Show Error
                //TODO: Show Error
            }//End If Statement


My Excel File is basically structured like this:


So for my login it would be like:

Trey Carey  March3199;  1

This isn't going anywhere besides by church where it's not really doing anything besides automating some tedious tasks, so security isn't an issue.

Also, if there's anyway I can clean up some of these if statements and my code in general I would appreciate any tips or help!

like image 858
Trey Carey Avatar asked Sep 14 '18 00:09

Trey Carey

1 Answers

Edit 2 13.11.2018: This bug has been officially fixed now in JavaFX 12, was backported to JDK8 and approved to be backported to JFX 11. You can have a look at the bug report to find more information about it.JDK-8211304 Here is a link to the changes they've made. openjfx I'm personally not sure about the current license situation of JDK8 so I would advise to switch to the newest OpenJDK and OpenJFX if possible.

Hey there I'm experiencing the same issue you have and I can constantly reproduce it. The issue appears for me on JavaFX on macOS 10.14. You can simply create an application with a button that opens a second stage. If you invoke stage.showAndWait() (could be related to anything that holds the thread) on the second stage and then switch focus between different applications (I just alt-tab between my JavaFX app and Safari), the JavaFX Application crashes. Also reproducible in any IDE.

I actually found a bug report on the OpenJDK/OpenJFX bug tracker but there isn't much going on at the moment. JDK-8211137 Mac: JVM Crash due to uncaught exception

I don't have a solution yet as I'm having troubles pinning down the exact problem but I found a workaround that works in my specific case.

Edit: If I'm using "stage.show()" I'm only getting the error but when using stage.showAndWait() or anything that does some kind of waiting loop, the application completely crashes.

like image 61
Sascha Hanke Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Sascha Hanke