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asp:QueryStringParameter and empty query string parameter

I haveasp:GridView displaying client requests using asp:SqlDataSource. I want to limit displayed information by client:

View.aspx has to display everything, View.aspx?client=1 has to display only requests from client ID #1.

So I'm using <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" /> for query "EXEC getRequests @client".

Everything works properly when some client is specified. But don't - if not.

I tested my SP using SSMS - it works properly in both cases - when parameter is specified and when it isn't (NULL passed explicitly).

What have I do?

like image 881
abatishchev Avatar asked Apr 21 '10 22:04


2 Answers

SqlDataSource won't fire if any of it's parameters are null, unless you specify otherwise:

<asp:SqlDataSource CancelSelectOnNullParameter="False" />

It might also be necessary to add a null default value to your querystring parameter:

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" DefaultValue="" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="True" />
like image 162
richeym Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09


You need to define a Default value to the parameter for those situations, for example:

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" DefaultValue="0"/>

and then in the SP you need verify if the client is 0, return all the clients, otherwise the specific one.

like image 45
Tony Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
