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ASP.NET username change


I have an asp.net site which uses the ASP.net Membership provider. Each comment, entry etc in the DB is tracked by the userID.

Since MS doesn't provide a way to change the username, I've found the userNAME in the "users" table in the DB and there is only 1 place where the username appears.

My question is,

Is it safe to provide an "edit profile" page where the user is allowed to edit their own username. Of course i would handle this change in the background by directly changing the "username" value in the DB.

Are there any downsides to this ? I've created and modified some test accounts and it seems to be fine, i am just wondering if there is any known negatives to this before putting it into production.

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Khalid Rahaman Avatar asked Aug 04 '09 20:08

Khalid Rahaman

Video Answer

1 Answers

cptScarlet's link was good, however I despise using stored procedures if I don't have to and I favor Entity Framework whenever possible. Here's what I did to change the user name, using EF 4.0 and .NET 4.0:

  1. Right click project -> Add New Item -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model
  2. Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipModel.edmx" and click Add
  3. Select Generate from database and click Next
  4. Add the connection to your 'aspnetdb' database (the ASP.NET membership database)
  5. Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipEntities"
  6. Click Next
  7. Drill into Tables and select aspnet_Users
  8. Change the Model Namespace to MembershipModel
  9. Click Finish

Now you can add code to create the EF object context and modify the database:

public void ChangeUserName(string currentUserName, string newUserName)
    using (var context = new MembershipEntities())
        // Get the membership record from the database
        var currentUserNameLowered = currentUserName.ToLower();
        var membershipUser = context.aspnet_Users
            .Where(u => u.LoweredUserName == currentUserNameLowered)

        if (membershipUser != null)
            // Ensure that the new user name is not already being used
            string newUserNameLowered = newUserName.ToLower();
            if (!context.aspnet_Users.Any(u => u.LoweredUserName == newUserNameLowered))
                membershipUser.UserName = newUserName;
                membershipUser.LoweredUserName = newUserNameLowered;

Note: I did not account for application ID's in my code. I typically only ever have one application using the ASP.NET membership database, so if you have multiple apps, you'll need to account for that.

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Andrew Garrison Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Andrew Garrison