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ASP.NET MVC ModelMetadata - Do we violate separation of concerns when we put attributes to describe UI on model?

According to this blog post "ModelMetadata objects are constructed with data taken from attributes, primarily from the System.ComponentModel and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespaces."

By putting UI helper attributes on Model objects (DisplayFormat or UIHint) aren't we coupling Model and View?

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dev.e.loper Avatar asked Aug 17 '11 15:08


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1 Answers

I believe so. Personally I keep my model completely ui-agnostic and I write ViewModels which will represent my model in my View. Then assign all annotations to these ViewModels.

I think the violation comes from the fact that this limits your ability to reuse your model, since you are basically defining view behavior in your model.

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AJC Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10