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ASP.NET MVC localization best practice?

I need help with the best practice to localize asp mvc apps, I saw Oxite having a base method named Localize in the BaseController, but is the Localization a task for the view or the Controller? Or should I use resx files / or use db tables?

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Amr Elsehemy Avatar asked Dec 19 '08 14:12

Amr Elsehemy

People also ask

How ASP Net applications are localized?

App localization involves the following: Make the app's content localizable. Provide localized resources for the languages and cultures you support. Implement a strategy to select the language/culture for each request.

What is the difference between globalization and localization in asp net?

Globalization is the process of designing the application in such a way that it can be used by users from across the globe (multiple cultures). Localization, on the other hand, is the process of customization to make our application behave as per the current culture and locale.

How will you localize URL in MVC application?

To offer a website in multiple languages using ASP.Net we simply need to add some resource. resx files to our project and voilà. Based on the language of the browser, IIS will match the localization resource.

What is localization in asp net?

Localization is the process of customizing the globalized web application to a specific locale and culture. Various resources such as images and text for the specific locale are created. The resource file in localization is scoped to a particular page in an application.

3 Answers

Create your own Html helper and use it like <%= Html.Resource("Name") %>

Details are in blog post.

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Ihar Voitka Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 03:11

Ihar Voitka

There is good solution for this available here

this article covers all aspects of localization asp.net mvc app

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Michael Vald Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 02:11

Michael Vald

Since this a one year question and I don't know the scope of my answer over here. Recently I faced a situation like this , ie I need to implement the localization for different languages in my mvc site.

I considered using Resource file. its very easy to implement, but the issue is that during the phase of development, we need to specify the localized strings. So if it a multi language support, we need to make the resource file for every language. If client what to change or add a new language, its very difficult and we need to provide a build.

Second I consider the Satelite Assemblies. Its also similar to Resource, but it gives a freedom to edit the assemblies out side and put it back to bin folder. This also requires a lot of effort to client/developer.

Third I considered storing in db. This approach is fine and we have some mechanism to read data from the server. This requires one time effort and client doesn't have any dependable .

I override a custom DisplayNameAttributre and from the constructor I will pass DB and get the data to render

Based on your requirement it should display the view to you.

Resource Manager

/// <summary>
    ///  Extended display attribute which will handles the request
    ///  It will call every time when the property is rendered (return View() - from controller)
    /// </summary>
    public class ResourceManagerAttribute : DisplayNameAttribute
        public ResourceManagerAttribute(string resourceKey, string resourceNameSpace = "")
            : base(GetDisplayName(resourceKey, resourceNameSpace))
        { }

        private static string GetDisplayName(string resourceKey, string resourceNameSpace = "")
            // get the browser's prefered language.

            string browserLanguage = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserLanguages.First();

            // Get the locale data for that property and displays.
            switch (browserLanguage)
                case "en-US": return "Eng " + resourceKey;
             // calls db based on resource key
                case "hi": return "Hin " + resourceKey;

            return "-- Not Implemented Now -- ";


public class HomeViewModel
        //calls the resource
        public int MID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Addess { get; set; }
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kbvishnu Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 03:11
