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asp.net mvc client side validation

I've been tinkering with the client side validation features in ASP.net MVC after reading ScottGU's blog post on the subject. It's pretty easy to use the System.Componentmodel.DataAnnotations attributes like this:

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "You must specify a reason")]
    public string ReasonText { get; set; }

... but what happens if you need something just a little more complex. What if you have an Address class with a PostalCode and CountryCode field. You would want to validate the postal code against a different regex for each country. [0-9]{5} works for the USA, but you need a different one for Canada.

I got around that by rolling my own ValidationService class that takes the ModelState property of the controller and validates it accordingly. This works great on the server side but doesn't work with the fancy new client side validation.

In Webforms I would use javascript-emitting controls like RequiredFieldValidator or CompareValidator for the easy stuff and then use a CustomValidator for the complex rules. This way I have all my validation logic in one place, and I get the benefit of rapid javascript validation for simple stuff (90% of the time) while I still get the security of server side validation as a backstop.

What would be the equivalent approach in MVC?

like image 773
John Hoge Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 22:02

John Hoge

People also ask

How can use client-side validation in ASP.NET MVC?

Firstly, you just need to create an ASP.NET MVC application. To create a new ASP.NET MVC application, Open Visual Studio choose File, New, then Project. It will open a New Project window, from where you need to choose node Visual C# and then Web and from the right pane you need to choose ASP.NET Web Application.

What is client-side validation and server side validation in MVC?

Client side validation Vs server side validation The user input validation take place on the Server Side during a post back session is called Server Side Validation and the user input validation take place on the Client Side (web browser) is called Client Side Validation.

What configuration entry should be used to enable client-side validation in MVC?

You can enable client-side validation for a specific view only by adding Html. EnableClientValidation(true) at the top on the view page.

1 Answers

Edit: This assumes you are using MVC 3. Unfortunately my code is in VB.NET since that's what I have to use at work.

In order to make everything work nicely with the new unobtrusive validation there are a few things you have to do. I powered through them a couple of weeks ago.

First, create a custom attribute class that inherits from ValidationAttribute. A simple RequiredIf attribute class is below:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field Or AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple:=False, Inherited:=False)> _
Public NotInheritable Class RequiredIfAttribute
    Inherits ValidationAttribute

    Private Const    _defaultErrorMessage As String = "'{0}' is required."
    Private ReadOnly _dependentProperty   As String
    Private ReadOnly _targetValues        As Object()

    Public Sub New(dependentProperty As String, targetValues As Object())


        _dependentProperty = dependentProperty
        _targetValues      = targetValues

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(dependentProperty As String, targetValues As Object(), errorMessage As String)


        _dependentProperty = dependentProperty
        _targetValues      = targetValues

    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property DependentProperty() As String
            Return _dependentProperty
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property TargetValues() As Object()
            Return _targetValues
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Overrides Function FormatErrorMessage(name As String) As String

        Return String.Format(Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ErrorMessageString, name)

    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function IsValid(value As Object, context As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult

        ' find the other property we need to compare with using reflection
        Dim propertyValue = context.ObjectType.GetProperty(DependentProperty).GetValue(context.ObjectInstance, Nothing).ToString()

        Dim match = TargetValues.SingleOrDefault(Function(t) t.ToString().ToLower() = propertyValue.ToLower())

        If match IsNot Nothing AndAlso value Is Nothing Then
            Return New ValidationResult(FormatErrorMessage(context.DisplayName))
        End If

        Return Nothing

    End Function

End Class

Next, you need to implement a validator class. This class is responsible for letting MVC know the client validation rules that are required for the unobtrusive validation library to work.

Public Class RequiredIfValidator
    Inherits DataAnnotationsModelValidator(Of RequiredIfAttribute)

    Public Sub New(metaData As ModelMetadata, context As ControllerContext, attribute As RequiredIfAttribute)

        MyBase.New(metaData, context, attribute)

    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function GetClientValidationRules() As IEnumerable(Of ModelClientValidationRule)

        Dim rule As New ModelClientValidationRule() With {.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage,
                                                          .ValidationType = "requiredif"}

        rule.ValidationParameters("dependentproperty") = Attribute.DependentProperty.Replace("."c, HtmlHelper.IdAttributeDotReplacement)

        Dim first       As Boolean = True
        Dim arrayString As New StringBuilder()

        For Each param In Attribute.TargetValues
            If first Then
                first = False
            End If

        rule.ValidationParameters("targetvalues") = arrayString.ToString()

        Return New ModelClientValidationRule() {rule}

    End Function

End Class

Now you can register everything in the application start method of Global.asax:

DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter(GetType(RequiredIfAttribute), GetType(RequiredIfValidator))

This gets you 90% of the way there. Now you just need to tell JQuery validate and MS's unobtrusive validation layer how to read your new attributes:

/// <reference path="jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js" />
/// <reference path="jquery.validate-vsdoc.js" />

/* javascript for custom unobtrusive validation
   ==================================================== */

(function ($) {

    // this adds the custom "requiredif" validator to the jQuery validate plugin
                          function (value, element, params) {

                              // the "value" variable must not be empty if the dependent value matches
                              // one of the target values
                              var dependentVal = $('#' + params['dependentProperty']).val().trim().toLowerCase();
                              var targetValues = params['targetValues'].split(',');

                              // loop through all target values
                              for (i = 0; i < targetValues.length; i++) {
                                  if (dependentVal == targetValues[i].toLowerCase()) {
                                      return $.trim(value).length > 0;

                              return true;
                          'not used');

    // this tells the MS unobtrusive validation layer how to read the
    // HTML 5 attributes that are output for the custom "requiredif" validator
    $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add('requiredif', ['dependentProperty', 'targetValues'], function (options) {

        options.rules['requiredif'] = options.params;
        if (options.message) {
            options.messages['requiredif'] = options.message;


} (jQuery));

Hope this helps, this was a real pain to get working.

like image 143
Shea Daniels Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Shea Daniels