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asp.net mvc blogging engine [closed]

http://www.funnelweblog.com - ASP.NET MVC 3.0, Razor, and used by a number of bloggers already.

I would recommend a NBlog. Really lightweight. Best to integrate to the existing site.

not sure what you determine as production ready?

Oxite is in beta, but seeing as MVC is not yet at RTM, I doubt you'll find anything that isn't determined as a pre-release.


I hope that helps.

edit: http://www.codeplex.com/oxite

this one looks good http://thebeerhouse.codeplex.com/

http://orchardproject.net/ based on ASP.NET MVC 2, Razor etc

Worth to mention BlogEngine.Net in this posts, so:

and here list of its features:

and here the documentation:

It's not MVC, but worth to consider it.