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ASP.NET MVC Beta 1 - where is Html.RenderPartial?

I'm just in the process of upgrading my Preview 5 application to Beta 1, and I'm nearly there save for this one error when trying to render a control:

'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'RenderPartial' and no extension method 'RenderPartial' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

My markup (in the .aspx View Content Page) is:

<% Html.RenderPartial("Controls/UserForm", ViewData); %>

I've tried using Microsoft.Web.Mvc but to no avail. Does anyone know where Html.RenderPartial has gone, or what alternative I could use?

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tags2k Avatar asked Oct 17 '08 08:10


People also ask

What is HTML RenderPartial in MVC?

RenderPartial(HtmlHelper, String) Renders the specified partial view by using the specified HTML helper. RenderPartial(HtmlHelper, String, Object) Renders the specified partial view, passing it a copy of the current ViewDataDictionary object, but with the Model property set to the specified model.

When to use partial and RenderPartial in MVC?

The primary difference between the two methods is that Partial generates the HTML from the View and returns it to the View to be incorporated into the page. RenderPartial, on the other hand, doesn't return anything and, instead, adds its HTML directly to the Response object's output.

How to return partial view in MVC?

To create a partial view, right-click on view -> shared folder and select Add -> View option. In this way we can add a partial view. It is not mandatory to create a partial view in a shared folder but a partial view is mostly used as a reusable component, it is a good practice to put it in the "shared" folder.

2 Answers

And also don't forget to add namespaces like below to the web config, I think preview 5 default web.config does not have System.Web.Mvc.Html in it:

 <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc"/>
 <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax"/>
 <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html"/>
 <add namespace="System.Web.Routing"/>
 <add namespace="System.Linq"/>
 <add namespace="System.Collections.Generic"/>
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spinodal Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10


Now fixed - the conflict was a difference in Web.config requirements between Preview 5 and Beta 1. The following needs to be added into the system.web compilation assemblies node:

<add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>

After this change, all of my old HtmlHelper methods magically came back!

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tags2k Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
