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ASP.NET MVC 3 Remote validation to allow original value

I have a Remote attribute on the email property of my User model. When I create a new user, it works create and tells the users that an e-mail is already in use. Now I'm having a problem in my editing form (if the user wants to updates values). It tells the user that his/her e-mail is already in use, I don't want it to give that message when the e-mail that's in use is the one that's registered to the user. How can I tweak the Remote attribute to behave?

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ajma Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 02:01


1 Answers

I figured it out.

In my view, I put @Html.Hidden("InitialEmail", Model.Email)

On my Model, I put [Remote("IsEmailUsed", "User", AdditionalFields="InitialEmail")]

And then in my controller action, I have public JsonResult IsEmailUsed(string email, string initialEmail) which will allow the initial e-mail to be valid.

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ajma Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11
