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asp.net mvc 3 pre-select Html.DropDownListFor not working in nerd dinner

Learning about dropdown lists, Im trying to add a RSVP create page for nerddinner as in Scott Gu's blog with a Html.DropDownListFor listing available dinners.

I can get the dropdown list populated but I cannot get the dropdown to pre select the value ("Sample Dinner 2") I want. Im using an initilizer to seed a few dinner objects in the db. The database is sql ce 4 using a EF 'code first approach'. Sorry I know this is a v common problem and hate to ask, but honestly have spent quite some time on this but cant get it to work:


public class RSVPViewModel
    public SelectList DinnersList { get; set; }
    public RSVP Rsvp { get; set; }
    public string SelectedItem { get; set; }


    //GET: /RSVP/Create

    public ActionResult Create()
        RSVP rsvp = new RSVP();
        string selected = "Sample Dinner 2";
        var typeList = new SelectList(dbc.Dinners.ToList(), "DinnerID", "Title", selected);

        var viewModel = new RSVPViewModel { DinnersList = typeList, Rsvp = rsvp, SelectedItem = selected };

        return View("Create", viewModel);


@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Rsvp.DinnerID, Model.DinnersList)

HTML Result

<select data-val="true" data-val-number="The field DinnerID must be a number." data-val-required="The DinnerID field is required." id="Rsvp_DinnerID" name="Rsvp.DinnerID">
     <option value="1">Sample Dinner 1</option>
     <option value="2">Sample Dinner 2</option>

So is not preselecting the dropdownlist with the value "Sample Dinner 2" when the page loads. The list displays ok and sets the correct DinnerID when I make a selection and click Submit.

Tries this also:

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedItem, Model.DinnersList)

but doesnt set or bind to Rsvp.DinnerID.

This preselects from the list but doesnt bind (or set Rsvp.DinnerID)


I want to keep it mvc3 so want to implement with strong type using ViewModel approach (no ViewData) and preferably using Html.DropDownListFor (not Html.DropDownList).Viewbag seems unnecessary for this case.



Thinking I should be using a selectList of selectListItems I tried this verbose approach :

RSVP rsvp = new RSVP();
string selected = "2";
List<SelectListItem> dinners = new List<SelectListItem>();

foreach (Dinner dinner in dbc.Dinners.ToList())
    SelectListItem slDinner = new SelectListItem();
    slDinner.Value = dinner.DinnerID.ToString();
    slDinner.Text = dinner.Title;
    slDinner.Selected = (slDinner.Value == selected);

 var dinnersList = new SelectList(dinners, "Value", "Text", selected);
 var viewModel = new RSVPViewModel { DinnersList = dinnersList, Rsvp = rsvp, SelectedItem = selected };

However still no work. Should I be making use of the ViewModel SelectedItem property in: @Html.DropDownListFor.. somehow? Something like :

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedItem, Model.DinnersList)

but how to I get a selected value to set Rsvp.DinnerID. I think thats called binding.

like image 865
Jay Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 00:01


2 Answers

After reading here and here, I finally understand how HtmlDropDownlistFor automatically selects the correct item in the dropdown based on your model - selecting a dinnerID in RSVP (foreign key to dinner.dinnerID) will cause the dropdown containing list of Dinner.DinnerIDs to pre select that value. No need yet I think for selectedValue in the SelectList or ViewModel.


    //GET: /RSVP/Create

    public ActionResult Create()
        //automatically preselects matching DinnerID in the Dinner dropdownlist            
        var rsvp = new RSVP {DinnerID = 2 };

        var typeList = new SelectList(dbc.Dinners.ToList(), "DinnerID", "Title");
        var viewModel = new RSVPViewModel { DinnersList = typeList, Rsvp = rsvp};

        return View("Create", viewModel);
like image 85
Jay Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11


The SelectList constructor you're using is supposed to provide the selected value, but you are providing the selected text. You may want to try:

    int selected = 2;
like image 23
StriplingWarrior Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
