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Asp.Net MVC 2 LabelFor Custom Text



Is there a way to use the LabelFor helper and customize the label text without having to use the DisplayNameAttribute in my model?

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B Z Avatar asked Jan 15 '10 23:01


2 Answers

I have created this html helpers for my project:

public static class MyLabelExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString Label(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string forName, string labelText)
        return Label(htmlHelper, forName, labelText, (object) null);

    public static MvcHtmlString Label(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string forName, string labelText,
                                      object htmlAttributes)
        return Label(htmlHelper, forName, labelText, new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
    public static MvcHtmlString Label(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string forName, string labelText,
                                      IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes)
        var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("label");
        tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("for", forName.Replace(".", tagBuilder.IdAttributeDotReplacement), true);
        return MvcHtmlString.Create(tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));

    public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
                                                            Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
                                                            string labelText)
        return LabelFor(htmlHelper, expression, labelText, (object) null);
    public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
                                                            Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
                                                            string labelText, object htmlAttributes)
        return LabelFor(htmlHelper, expression, labelText, new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
    public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
                                                            Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
                                                            string labelText,
                                                            IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes)
        string inputName = ExpressionHelper.GetExpressionText(expression);
        return htmlHelper.Label(inputName, labelText, htmlAttributes);

I use them with "strongly typed" resources:

<%= Html.LabelFor(m=>m.NickName, UserStrings.NickName) %>

Hope that helps...

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rrejc Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


There is a new LabelFor overload in MVC3 RC that allows you to specify the labelText.

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Joe Cartano Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Joe Cartano