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ASP.NET Core .NET Framework testing with cookie

I create a session middleware and want to test it. So I am using TestServer for testing purpose.

The test code looks as follow:

using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ComponentsTest.StartUps;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace ComponentsTest.IntegrationTest
  public class SessionMwTest
    public void Setup()
      _server = new TestServer(_hostBuilder);

    private readonly IWebHostBuilder _hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder().UseStartup<StartUpSession>();
    private TestServer _server;

    public async Task BrowserRequestForCookies_SeveralRequest_ExpectToken()
      var client = _server.CreateClient();
      var req1 = await client.GetAsync("/");

      var sid = (from r in req1.Headers
        where r.Key == "Set-Cookie"
        from h in r.Value
        where h.Contains("sid")
        select h).FirstOrDefault();
      StringAssert.Contains("sid", sid);



I want to make a request with the cookie, that I've got but do not know how to put the cookie to the request.
How can I do that?

like image 694
softshipper Avatar asked Jul 22 '16 13:07


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Does ASP.NET use cookies?

By default, ASP.NET uses a non-persistent cookie to store the session state. However, if a user has disabled cookies on the browser, session state information cannot be stored in a cookie. ASP.NET offers an alternative in the form of cookieless sessions.

What is cookies in ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Cookie is a small bit of text that is used to store user-specific information. This information can be read by the web application whenever user visits the site. When a user requests for a web page, web server sends not just a page, but also a cookie containing the date and time.

1 Answers

At its most basic, a Cookie is simply a header. You could store the sid value of Set-Cookie in a string and then for every request add the header:

request.Headers.Add("Cookie", new CookieHeaderValue(cookie.Name, cookie.Value).ToString());
like image 110
nemec Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
