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ASP.NET - Common Gotchas [closed]





When I am working with ASP.NET, I find that there are always unexpected things I run into that take forever to debug. I figure that having a consolidated list of these would be great for those "weird error" circumstances, plus to expand our knowledge of oddness in the platform.

So: answer with one of your "Gotcha"s!

I'll start: Under ASP.NET (VB), performing a Response.Redirect inside a try/catch block does not stop execution of the current Response, which can lead to two concurrent Responses executing against the same Session.

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Thunder3 Avatar asked Sep 15 '08 19:09


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1 Answers

Don't dynamically add controls after the page init event as it will screw up the viewstate tree.

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Bob Dizzle Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Bob Dizzle