When I try to enable the Mulitlingual app toolkit on a C# project, I get an error such as the following and nothing more happens:
Project 'project name' was not enabled - the project's source culture could not be determined.
What's wrong?
Add a line like this to your assemblyinfo.cs file:
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
The indicated language is the one that the application currently uses (i.e usually hardcoded texts, before translation)
For a .Net Standard project, edit the csproj file to add:
In Visual Studio 2017
=> Projects=>Properties=>Package=>Assembly nutral language=>English(...)=>Save
Select Project in Solution Explorer=>Tools=>Multilingual App Toolkit =>Enable Selection
VS2019 has a lot of changes in UI, so to find Assembly Neutral Language Option you can try below solution.
Right Click on Project => Got To Properties => Search button "Assembly Information" => Neutral Language => Select English => Save. And then rest of the process is same
Select Project => Tools=> Multilingual App=> Enable Selection
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