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ASP.NET applications scalability best practices guide

Is there are a guide published by microsoft or somebody else about the best practices for creating scalable web applications? like patterns to use and how to do data access.

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ryudice Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 21:03


People also ask

Is ASP.NET scalable?

They can deploy highly scalable as well as high-performance web apps. Along with application monitoring and different other performance tools like a profiler, ASP.NET has turned out to be a powerful solution for creating incredible applications.

What is your suggested approach to improve scalability response time of an application?

Hardware Resources The time it takes to run the complex calculations could slow down the response time and limit the scalability of the application. The best solution to these types of problems is caching pre-computed values and performing calculations in a separate background job.

What is Dot Net scalability?

Scalability means keeping the same performance even during peak usage times or while supporting a higher number of users in general.

2 Answers

The best advice I can give is to do these three things (roughly in order):

  1. Avoid unnecessary postbacks
  2. Avoid excessive viewstate
  3. Spend your time optimizing your database
like image 65
Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Joel Coehoorn

The Microsoft Patterns & Practices group is a good one stop shopping ground for that.

Edit: Here is their guide specifically on Scalability and Performance. Chapter 6 includes information specific to ASP.NET Performance and Chapter 17 includes information about Tuning.

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Nick Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
