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ASCII TABLE - negative value [duplicate]





Possible Duplicate:
Negative ASCII value

int main() {
    char b = 8-'3';

    return 0;

I run this program and I get a sign which looks like a question mark (?).

My question to you is why is it prints that and not printing nothing, beacause as far as I know the value of b by the ASCII table is minus 43 which is not exist.

by the way, when I compile this code:

int main() {
    char b = -16;

    return 0; 

I get nothing.

like image 408
wantToLearn Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 15:02


1 Answers

Here's the behavior as specified in the C 2011 standard The fprintf function

8 The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:
c If no l length modifier is present, the int argument is converted to an unsigned char, and the resulting character is written.

If an l length modifier is present, the wint_t argument is converted as if by an ls conversion specification with no precision and an argument that points to the initial element of a two-element array of wchar_t, the first element containing the wint_t argument to the lc conversion specification and the second a null wide character.

That -43 is being converted to an unsigned value (213), so it's printing an extended ASCII character.

like image 123
John Bode Avatar answered Feb 28 '23 08:02

John Bode