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AS3 Dictionary Questions

A couple of questions on the Dictionary class in Actionscript 3:

  1. What's the best way to check for an unused key? I'm doing dictionary[key] == undefined right now. Is that the fastest and cleanest way?

  2. Do I have to loop through and delete dictionary[key] or can I just let the dictionary go out of scope?

  3. Is there a better solution for mapping message listeners to a broadcasting class? I do something like this:

    addListener(function : Function, messageType : Type)
        if(dictionary[messageType] == undefined)
            dictionary[messageType] = new Vector<Function>();
    broadcast(message : Message, messageType : Type)
        if(dictionary[messageType] != undefined)
            for each(var function : Function in dictionary[messageType])

I just typed that out now, so it may not be 100% accurate. Good idea to use a routing system with a dictionary like that?

like image 803
Carrie Anne Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 23:06

Carrie Anne

2 Answers

1 -- You have two valid options: compare with undefined or compare with null. The difference is like this:

  • undefined: a value does not exist at all
  • null: a value exists, but contains null

So, you choose what's appropriate in your case. See examples.

import flash.utils.Dictionary;

var test:Dictionary = new Dictionary();

trace(test[1] == null); // true, because null is internally converted to undefined
trace(test[1] === null); // false, because of strictly typed comparison
trace(test[1] == undefined); // true
trace(test[1] === undefined); // true

2 -- I always do loops through dictionaries to clean them up when I have references there (and not just ptimitive types like numbers or strings). Well, it shouldn't be necessary, but this way I help garbage collector a little bit, which is generally a good idea.

3 -- This one gets me puzzled. Why do you need broadcasting this way? It looks much like what we had days ago with AsBroadcaster class in AS1-2, that non-natively provided us with broadcasting capabilities. AS3 has a native event dispatching system, which you can upgrade to suit your needs (for instance, if you need to maintain a list of listeners for each event type).

These links might be usefull:

  • http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/EventDispatcher.html?filter_flex=4.1&filter_flashplayer=10.2&filter_air=2.6
  • Whats the appropriate form when dispatching events in AS3?
like image 76
Michael Antipin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Michael Antipin

  1. you could also write if (!dictionary[key]) ...

  2. you can nullify a dictionary object instead of looping thru to delete all keys: dictionary = null;

  3. i wrote a broadcaster class and you're absolutely welcome to use it if you'd like! it works quite well for global communication between non display objects. however, if you want to allow global communicating between display objects, you can add and dispatch custom event via the stage instead - assuming they are added to the stage, of course.


package com.mattie.events.broadcaster
public class Broadcast
    public var name:String;
    public var data:Object;

    public function Broadcast(name:String, data:Object) 
        this.name = name;
        this.data = data;


package com.mattie.events.broadcaster
import flash.utils.Dictionary;

public final class Broadcaster
    private static var singleton:Broadcaster;

    private var publicationsProperty:Dictionary;
    private var subscriptionsProperty:Array;

    public function Broadcaster()
        if  (singleton)
            throw new Error("Broadcaster is a singleton that cannot be publically instantiated and is only accessible thru the \"broadcaster\" public property.");

        publicationsProperty = new Dictionary(true);
        subscriptionsProperty = new Array();

    //Publish Data
    public function publish(name:String, data:Object = null):void
        publicationsProperty[name] = data;

        for (var i:uint = 0; i < subscriptionsProperty.length; i++)
            if  (subscriptionsProperty[i].name == name)
                var handler:Function = subscriptionsProperty[i].handler;
                handler(new Broadcast(name, data));

    //Subscribe Handler
    public function subscribe(name:String, handler:Function):void
        if  (publicationsProperty[name])
            handler(new Broadcast(name, publicationsProperty[name]));

        for (var i:uint = 0; i < subscriptionsProperty.length; i++)
            if  (subscriptionsProperty[i].name == name && subscriptionsProperty[i].handler == handler)

        subscriptionsProperty.push({name: name, handler: handler});

    //Unpublish Data
    public function unpublish(name:String):void
        delete publicationsProperty[name];

    //Unsubscribe Handler
    public function unsubscribe(name:String, handler:Function):void
        for (var i:uint = 0; i < subscriptionsProperty.length; i++)
            if  (subscriptionsProperty[i].name == name && subscriptionsProperty[i].handler == handler)
                subscriptionsProperty.splice(i, 1);

    //Publications Getter
    public function get publications():Dictionary
        return publicationsProperty;

    //Subscriptions Getter
    public function get subscriptions():Array
        return subscriptionsProperty;

    //Singleton Getter
    public static function get broadcaster():Broadcaster
        if  (!singleton)
            singleton = new Broadcaster();

        return singleton;
like image 42
Chunky Chunk Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Chunky Chunk