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Is it possible to read (and maybe change) the sources of the core Flash class files?

I would like to read the source of the flash.net.FileReference class. Is this possible? Where can I find the source files, do they come with the Adobe Flash or Flash Builder?

like image 512
jayarjo Avatar asked May 18 '11 14:05


1 Answers

To read the flash package files, you can find the playerglobal.swc - change the name to playerglobal.zip and unzip the package. Then, decompile the library.swf file and get the script files. Here's what I found for FileReference:

package flash.net 
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.utils.*;

    public class FileReference extends flash.events.EventDispatcher
        public function FileReference()

        public function upload(arg1:flash.net.URLRequest, arg2:String="Filedata", arg3:Boolean=false):void

        private function _load(arg1:flash.utils.ByteArray):void

        public function load():void
            this._load(new ByteArray());

        public function get size():uint

        public function get type():String

        public function browse(arg1:Array=null):Boolean

        public function get name():String

        public function get creator():String

        public function get creationDate():Date

        public function download(arg1:flash.net.URLRequest, arg2:String=null):void

        public function get modificationDate():Date

        public function get data():flash.utils.ByteArray

        public function cancel():void

        private function _save(arg1:flash.utils.ByteArray, arg2:String):void

        public function save(arg1:*, arg2:String=null):void
            var defaultFileName:String=null;
            var data:*;
            var d:flash.utils.ByteArray;

            var loc1:*;
            data = arg1;
            defaultFileName = arg2;
            d = new ByteArray();
            if (data == null) 
                throw new ArgumentError("data");
            if (data is String) 
                d.writeUTFBytes(data as String);
            else if (data is XML) 
                d.writeUTFBytes((data as XML).toXMLString());
            else if (data is ByteArray) 
                d.writeBytes(data as ByteArray);
                catch (e:Error)
                    throw new ArgumentError("data");
            d.position = 0;
            if (defaultFileName == null) 
                defaultFileName = "";
            this._save(d, defaultFileName);

I highly recommend not changing this file and rather extend it and override the functions you need to modify. Otherwise, you'll need to recompile the library.swf and create a custom playerglobal.swc.

like image 61
Corey Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
