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Arrow keys type capital letters instead of moving the cursor

I've installed the latest vim using homebrew and also installed mac-vim from the google code homepage. in mac-vim everything works fine. but when I run vim in terminal.app in mac and go to insert mode I'll get A B C D for arrow keys which is extremely annoying.

I googled it and tried all the solutions but nothing is working for me!

it gets intresting when I run vim with vim -u NONE -U NONE -N then the arrow keys start to function normally in insert mode.

my vimrc files are a clone of janus (from carlhuda)

do you have the same problem in terminal? is there a way to fix it in terminal.app?

like image 385
Allen Bargi Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 12:11

Allen Bargi

People also ask

Which keys are used to move the cursor?

The left and right arrows move the cursor one character to the left or right. To move more than one character, press the key continually. The Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line of typed characters, the End key moves it to the end.

What is the other name for arrow keys?

Alternatively referred to as cursor keys, direction keys, and navigation keys, the arrow keys are usually located between the standard section and the numeric pad on computer keyboards. It is made up of four keys: the left arrow (back arrow), up arrow, down arrow, and the right arrow (forward arrow).

1 Answers

Just create an empty ".vimrc file in the home directory of the remote machine. It started working fine for me.

touch ~/.vimrc 
like image 160
devsathish Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
