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array_reduce() can't work as associative-array "reducer" for PHP?


I have an associative array $assoc, and need to reduce to it to a string, in this context

$OUT = "<row"; foreach($assoc as $k=>$v) $OUT.= " $k=\"$v\""; $OUT.= '/>'; 

How to do in an elegant way the same thing, but using array_reduce()

Near the same algorithm (lower performance and lower legibility) with array_walk() function,

 array_walk(  $row, function(&$v,$k){$v=" $k=\"$v\"";}  );  $OUT.= "\n\t<row". join('',array_values($row)) ."/>"; 

Ugly solution with array_map() (and again join() as reducer):

  $row2 = array_map(      function($a,$b){return array(" $a=\"$b\"",1);},     array_keys($row),     array_values($row)   ); // or     $OUT ="<row ". join('',array_column($row2,0)) ."/>"; 

PS: apparently PHP's array_reduce() not support associative arrays (why??).

like image 626
Peter Krauss Avatar asked Mar 23 '15 14:03

Peter Krauss

1 Answers

First, array_reduce() works with associative arrays, but you don't have any chance to access the key in the callback function, only the value.

You could use the use keyword to access the $result by reference in the closure like in the following example with array_walk(). This would be very similar to array_reduce():

$array = array(     'foo' => 'bar',     'hello' => 'world' );  // Inject reference to `$result` into closure scope. // $result will get initialized on its first usage. array_walk($array, function($val, $key) use(&$result) {     $result .= " $key=\"$val\""; }); echo "<row$result />"; 

Btw, imo your original foreach solution looks elegant too. Also there will be no significant performance issues as long as the array stays at small to medium size.

like image 72
hek2mgl Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
