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array of string with unknown size




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Can you create an array with unknown size?

You can dynamically create a array. But You can not change the size of array once it is declared. You need to create new array of bigger size and then copy the content of old array into it.

How do you initialize a string array without size?

There are two ways to declare string array - declaration without size and declare with size. There are two ways to initialize string array - at the time of declaration, populating values after declaration. We can do different kind of processing on string array such as iteration, sorting, searching etc.

How do you define an array of unknown size?

Technically, it's impossible to create an array of unknown size. In reality, it's possible to create an array, and resize it when necessary. Just use a string. Manipulate something like this to possibly fit in how you want it.

How do I print an unknown array size?

You can do this in two ways. The first one is to specify the number of elements in the sequence the first element of which is pointed to by the pointer. Or the sequence must to have a sentinel value as strings have. The same way an array of strings can be printed.

Is there a specific reason why you need to use an array? If you don't know the size before hand you might want to use List<String>

List<String> list = new List<String>();



Will give you an output of


MSDN - List(T) for more information

You don't have to specify the size of an array when you instantiate it.

You can still declare the array and instantiate it later. For instance:

string[] myArray;


myArray = new string[size];

You can't create an array without a size. You'd need to use a list for that.

As others have mentioned you can use a List<String> (which I agree would be a better choice). In the event that you need the String[] (to pass to an existing method that requires it for instance) you can always retrieve an array from the list (which is a copy of the List<T>'s inner array) like this:

String[] s = yourListOfString.ToArray();

you can declare an empty array like below

String[] arr = new String[]{}; // declare an empty array
String[] arr2 = {"A", "B"}; // declare and assign values to an array
arr = arr2; // assign valued array to empty array

you can't assign values to above empty array like below

arr[0] = "A"; // you can't do this