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Array bounds check efficiency in .net 4 and above

I'm interested in how efficient low-level algorithms can be in .net. I would like to enable us to choose to write more of our code in C# rather than C++ in the future, but one stumbling block is the bounds checking in .net that occurs with looping and random access to arrays.

A motivating example is a function that calculates the sum of products of corresponding elements in two arrays (this is the dot product of two vectors).

static void SumProduct(double[] X, double[] Y) {     double sum = 0;     int length = X.Length;     if (length != Y.Length)         throw new ArgumentException("X and Y must be same size");     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) // Check X.Length instead? See below         sum += X[i] * Y[i]; } 

From what I can tell, and don't know enough IL or x86 to check, the compiler won't optimize out bounds checking of X and Y. Am I wrong and/or is there a way to write my code to allow the compiler to help me out?

Further details

There are many efficiency-arguments for and against using particular languages, not least that it is better to concentrate on "big O" algorithmic cost rather than the constant of proportionality, and higher level languages help you to do this. On the subject of bounds checking in .net, the best article I found is Array Bounds Check Elimination in the CLR on MSDN (also referenced in a stack overflow answer on the importance of enabling optimization).

This dates from 2009, so I wonder whether things have changed significantly since then. Also, the article reveals some real subtleties that would have caught me out so for this reason alone I would welcome some expert advice.

For example it appears that in my code above I would have better off writing i< X.Length rather than i < length. Also, I had also naively assumed that for an algorithm with a single array, writing a foreach loop would better declare your intent to the compiler and give it the best chance of optimizing out the bounds checking.

According to the MSDN article, SumForBAD, below, which I thought was sure to be optimized, would not be. Whereas SumFor would be straightforwardly optimized, and SumForEach would also be optimized, but not trivially (and might not be optimized at all if the array were passed into a function as IEnumerable<int>)?

static double SumForBAD(double[] X) {     double sum = 0;     int length = X.Length; // better to use i < X.length in loop     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)         sum += X[i];     return sum; }  static double SumFor(double[] X) {     double sum = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < X.Length; i++)         sum += X[i];     return sum; }  static double SumForEach(double[] X) {     double sum = 0;     foreach (int element in X)         sum += element;     return sum; } 

I did some investigation based on doug65536's answer. In C++, I compared the times of a SumProduct that does one bounds-check

for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) sum += v1[i]*v2[i]; 

against another version that does two bounds-checks

for(int i=0; i<n1 && i <n2; ++i) sum += v1[i]*v2[i]; 

I found that the second version was slower, but only by about 3.5% (Visual Studio 2010, optimized build, default options). However it occurred to me that in C#, there might be three bounds checks. One explicit (i < length in the function static void SumProduct(double[] X, double[] Y) at the start of this question), and two implicit (X[i] and Y[i]). So I tested a third C++ function, with three bounds checks

for(int i=0; i<n1 && i <n2 && i <n3; ++i) sum += v1[i]*v2[i]; 

This came in 35% slower than the first, which is worth caring about. I did some more investigation in this question, Why does adding extra check in loop make big difference on some machines, and small difference on others?. Interestingly, it seems as though the cost of bounds checking varies significantly on different machines.

like image 825
TooTone Avatar asked May 23 '13 11:05


People also ask

Is there bound checking in array?

Array bound checking refers to determining whether all array references in a program are within their declared ranges. This checking is critical for software verification and validation because subscripting arrays beyond their declared sizes may produce unexpected results, security holes, or failures.

Which type of checking is done for array bound check?

In computer programming, bounds checking is any method of detecting whether a variable is within some bounds before it is used. It is usually used to ensure that a number fits into a given type (range checking), or that a variable being used as an array index is within the bounds of the array (index checking).

What are the advantages of array bounds checking?

The obvious advantage of array bounds checking approaches are that they completely eliminate buffer overflow vulnerabilities. However, these are also the most expensive solution, particularly for pointer- and array-intensive programs since every pointer and array operation must be checked.

Does std :: array do bounds checking?

std::array provides many benefits over built-in arrays, such as preventing automatic decay into a pointer, maintaining the array size, providing bounds checking, and allowing the use of C++ container operations.

2 Answers

The bounds check won't matter because:

  • The bounds check consists of a cmp/jae instruction pair, which is fused into a single micro-op on modern CPU architectures (the term is "macro-op fusion"). Compare and branch is very highly optimized.

  • The bounds check is a forward branch, which will be statically predicted to be not-taken, also reducing the cost. The branch will never be taken. (If it ever is taken, an exception will throw anyway, so the mispredict cost becomes utterly irrelevant)

  • As soon as there is any memory delay, speculative execution will queue up many iterations of the loop, so the cost of decoding the extra instruction pair almost disappears.

Memory access will likely be your bottleneck, so the effect micro-optimizations like removing bounds checks will disappear.

like image 86
doug65536 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09



The 64-bit jitter does a good job of eliminating bounds checks (at least in straightforward scenarios). I added return sum; at the end of your method and then compiled the program using Visual Studio 2010 in Release mode. In the disassembly below (which I annotated with a C# translation), notice that:

  • There are no bounds checks for X, even though your code compares i against length instead of X.Length. This is an improvement over the behavior described in the article.
  • Before the main loop, there is a single check to make sure that Y.Length >= X.Length.
  • The main loop (offsets 00000032 through 00000052) does not contain any bounds checks.


; Register assignments: ;    rcx  := i ;    rdx  := X ;    r8   := Y ;    r9   := X.Length ("length" in your code, "XLength" below) ;    r10  := Y.Length ("YLength" below) ;    r11  := X.Length - 1 ("XLengthMinus1" below) ;    xmm1 := sum  ; (Prologue) 00000000  push        rbx 00000001  push        rdi 00000002  sub         rsp,28h  ; (Store arguments X and Y in rdx and r8) 00000006  mov         r8,rdx   ; Y 00000009  mov         rdx,rcx  ; X  ; int XLength = X.Length; 0000000c  mov         r9,qword ptr [rdx+8]  ; int XLengthMinus1 = XLength - 1; 00000010  movsxd      rax,r9d 00000013  lea         r11,[rax-1]  ; int YLength = Y.Length; 00000017  mov         r10,qword ptr [r8+8]  ; if (XLength != YLength) ;     throw new ArgumentException("X and Y must be same size"); 0000001b  cmp         r9d,r10d 0000001e  jne         0000000000000060  ; double sum = 0; 00000020  xorpd       xmm1,xmm1  ; if (XLength > 0) ; { 00000024  test        r9d,r9d 00000027  jle         0000000000000054  ;     int i = 0; 00000029  xor         ecx,ecx 0000002b  xor         eax,eax  ;     if (XLengthMinus1 >= YLength) ;         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); 0000002d  cmp         r11,r10 00000030  jae         0000000000000096  ;     do ;     { ;         sum += X[i] * Y[i]; 00000032  movsd       xmm0,mmword ptr [rdx+rax+10h] 00000038  mulsd       xmm0,mmword ptr [r8+rax+10h] 0000003f  addsd       xmm0,xmm1 00000043  movapd      xmm1,xmm0  ;         i++; 00000047  inc         ecx 00000049  add         rax,8  ;     } ;     while (i < XLength); 0000004f  cmp         ecx,r9d 00000052  jl          0000000000000032 ; }  ; return sum; 00000054  movapd      xmm0,xmm1  ; (Epilogue) 00000058  add         rsp,28h 0000005c  pop         rdi 0000005d  pop         rbx 0000005e  ret  00000060  ...  00000096  ... 


The 32-bit jitter, unfortunately, is not quite as smart. In the disassembly below, notice that:

  • There are no bounds checks for X, even though your code compares i against length instead of X.Length. Again, this is an improvement over the behavior described in the article.
  • The main loop (offsets 00000018 through 0000002a) contains a bounds check for Y.


; Register assignments: ;    eax  := i ;    ecx  := X ;    edx  := Y ;    esi  := X.Length ("length" in your code, "XLength" below)  ; (Prologue) 00000000  push        ebp 00000001  mov         ebp,esp 00000003  push        esi  ; double sum = 0; 00000004  fldz  ; int XLength = X.Length; 00000006  mov         esi,dword ptr [ecx+4]  ; if (XLength != Y.Length) ;     throw new ArgumentException("X and Y must be same size"); 00000009  cmp         dword ptr [edx+4],esi 0000000c  je          00000012 0000000e  fstp        st(0) 00000010  jmp         0000002F  ; int i = 0; 00000012  xor         eax,eax  ; if (XLength > 0) ; { 00000014  test        esi,esi 00000016  jle         0000002C  ;     do ;     { ;         double temp = X[i]; 00000018  fld         qword ptr [ecx+eax*8+8]  ;         if (i >= Y.Length) ;             throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); 0000001c  cmp         eax,dword ptr [edx+4] 0000001f  jae         0000005A  ;         sum += temp * Y[i]; 00000021  fmul        qword ptr [edx+eax*8+8] 00000025  faddp       st(1),st  ;         i++; 00000027  inc         eax  ;     while (i < XLength); 00000028  cmp         eax,esi 0000002a  jl          00000018 ; }  ; return sum; 0000002c  pop         esi 0000002d  pop         ebp 0000002e  ret  0000002f  ...  0000005a  ... 

Summing Up

The jitter has improved since 2009, and the 64-bit jitter can generate more efficient code than the 32-bit jitter.

If necessary, though, you can always bypass array bounds checks completely by using unsafe code and pointers (as svick points out). This technique is used by some performance-critical code in the Base Class Library.

like image 31
Michael Liu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Michael Liu