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ARKit Demo Crashing on iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus

I'm working with ARKit Feature , with recent major iOS release, but I'm getting a crash with error failed assertion

MTLRenderPassDescriptor: MTLStoreActionMultisampleResolve store action for the depth attachment is not supported by device

I already have iOS11 beta, installed in my iPhone device.

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Svitlana Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 13:06


People also ask

Is AR supported on iPhone 6?

You can use different AR libraries on iPhone6 such as VoidAR or VuforiaSDK. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. IPhone 6 specs are A8 and ARkit supports A9 or greater.

Why does my iPhone 6 keep crashing?

Update Your iPhone Software Using an iPhone with an outdated version of iOS, the iPhone's operating system, can cause it to crash. Check for a software update by going to Settings and tapping General -> Software Update. Tap Download & Install if an iOS update is available.

1 Answers

As all answers above this is a hardware constraint to A9 chips. Anyway it is a good practice to addAdding ARKit to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities on Info.plist will give you a better feedback running apps that primary function is ARKit based.

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Boris Ch.F Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Boris Ch.F