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AWSCognito forgot password not working for non verified mobile number iOS

We are facing some problem while updating user password using forgot password option in Amazon Cognito. In one case, I updated my mobile number after that I didn’t verify my mobile number and move back to forgot password set up. We tried resetting the password here and we got an error as, “Cannot reset password for the user as there is no registered/verified email or phone_number”. The expectation here is, I have to verify my mobile number in order to update my password. After this issue again we need to verify the user mobile number. Is there any way to fix this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Madhavan Avatar asked Apr 12 '17 10:04


People also ask

How do I find my Cognito verification code?

Choose Manage User Pools. On the Your User Pools page, choose the user pool that you want to configure. In the navigation menu on the left, choose MFA and verifications. If you choose this option, Amazon Cognito emails a verification code when the user signs up.

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It is not possible to get a user password from AWS Cognito.

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You can use adminUpdateUserAttributes to update user email and email_verified after that Amazon Cognito sends email again (check here). Save this answer.

1 Answers

If the account is stuck in this state, AdminUpdateUserAttributes API can be called and the mobile number can be changed or can be marked as verified. From an end user perspective, end user will have to contact app developer to get around this.

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Vinay Kushwaha Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Vinay Kushwaha