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Arithmetic Operation in Thymeleaf

How can I do some arithmetic operation in thymeleaf. I have tested so many ways. But unable to get the output. If U know, Please let me know.

Here is my code:

/*Dummy Content */ 
<p class="quan-inc-dec">
    <input type="hidden" name="productId" th:value="*{product.id}" class="productId"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="orderItemId" th:value="*{id}" class="orderItemId"/>
    <input type="button" name="minus" class="minus" value="-" autocomplete="off"/>
    <input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" class="result" autocomplete="off" th:value="*{quantity}"/>
    <input type="button" name="plus" class="plus" autocomplete="off" value="+"/>
/*Dummy Content End*/
<span th:text="${${obj.baseRetailPrice}*${obj.aa}}"><!-- I need the Result Here --></span>
like image 755
SKC... Avatar asked Feb 14 '14 09:02


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How do you do Thymeleaf arithmetic operations?

You can use arithmetic operators in Thymeleaf also. You can also try < (&gt;) , > (&lt;) , >= , ≤ , != or their textual aliases gt , lt , ge , le , not , eq , neq/ne .

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#{} is used for message (i18n) expressions. Used to retrieve locale-specific messages from external sources.

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In Thymeleaf, these model attributes (or context variables in Thymeleaf jargon) can be accessed with the following syntax: ${attributeName} , where attributeName in our case is messages . This is a Spring EL expression.

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It is an XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine able to apply a set of transformations to template files in order to display data and/or text produced by your applications. It is better suited for serving XHTML/HTML5 in web applications, but it can process any XML file, be it in web or in standalone applications.

1 Answers

Like this:

<div th:with="result=${obj.baseRetailPrice * obj.aa}">
  <span th:text="${result}"></span>
like image 171
haschibaschi Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
