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ARIA attributes in IE10

I'm trying to set the aria-autocomplete attribute on an element using jQuery. However when IE10 is running in either IE5 Quirks mode or IE7 Standards mode it produces a Member not found error.

<input type="textbox" id="test" />​
$('#test').attr({"aria-autocomplete": "list"});​

See this jsFiddle for a demo.

I have tried various other ARIA attributes as defined here:

HTML 5: The Markup Language (ARIA Edition)

Some produce the same error, others do not.

I can't reproduce the error in IE9.

Is this a bug in IE10? jQuery? Or is there some other reason for this that I'm not understanding?

like image 419
Brett Postin Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 12:11

Brett Postin

1 Answers


This is a known bug in the IE10 browser when in compatibility mode. Please up-vote this bug ticket to increase the likelihood that it will be fixed. https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/774078 The ticket was submitted by the jQuery team.

Have you tried your code sample in real IE7? I tried your jsFiddle with browserstack (WinXP/IE7) and the example worked without an error.

If you were using compatibility mode to simulate testing IE7, then the good news is that using native IE7 works just fine. The bad news is there is a bug in IE10 compatibility mode.

like image 94
Elijah Manor Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Elijah Manor