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Change order of registered script files in yii




I'm making a widget for a Yii application. The main layout view registers all the common script files such as jQuery and jQueryUI. In my widget I want to use a jQueryUI plugin that relies on jQueryUI already being loaded.

I know I can specify where on the page the script is included, but it seems a bit hit and miss to simply include it at the "end" - what if I have other script that I need to load after that plugin? How do I ensure they're loaded in the right order - anyone got any ideas?

like image 842
Hippyjim Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 09:06


1 Answers

You can use the dependency feature in Yii script packages. I was having similar problem before.

For example you have script packages config like below,

'clientScript' => array(
  'packages' => array(
     'package1' => array(
          'basePath' => 'path.to.package1',
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
     'package2' => array(
          'basePath' => 'path.to.package2',
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
          'depends' => array(
     'package3' => array(
          'basePath' => 'path.to.package3',
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
          'depends' => array(

In sample above, package2 requires (depends) package1 and package3 requires package2. Let's say in your case, a widget uses package2, and the other script uses package3. Even if you don't render the widget, if you use Yii::app()->clientScript->registerPackage('package3');, it will automatically install the package2 which then install the package1 before package2 (or won't install if the package1 is already required by some scripts before.).

like image 61
Petra Barus Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Petra Barus