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Argument 1 of Window.getComputedStyle does not implement interface Element

I have this error, but I don't really know why:

Argument 1 of Window.getComputedStyle does not implement interface Element


<div class="reveal"></div>

JavaScript / jQuery:

var reveal = $('.reveal');
reveal.css('margin', '10px');
var resulte = window.getComputedStyle(reveal, 'margin');
like image 705
Anatole Lucet Avatar asked Mar 22 '18 15:03

Anatole Lucet

1 Answers

getComputedStyle() is a JavaScript function that expects a JavaScript object, not a jQuery object. Pass it reveal[0] and it will work.

The second argument of the getComputedStyle() function is optional and it is for the pseudo element, not the CSS property. You can use getComputedStyle() to get all the properties and then use getPropertyValue('margin') to get the specific property that you want.

The problem is when you assign a value to the margin property in jQuery like this reveal.css('margin', '10px'), then it gets applies to each of the margins (top, right, bottom, and left) and the margin property will return nothing (in some browsers). You'll have to get each margin separately.

var reveal = $('.reveal');
reveal.css('margin', '10px');
var resulte = window.getComputedStyle(reveal[0], null).getPropertyValue('margin-top');

.reveal {
  background-color: #f00;
  height: 50px;
  width: 50px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="reveal"></div>
like image 157
Racil Hilan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10

Racil Hilan