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Deploying node app to heroku with client and server in two separate folders

I've done a bunch of research and I can't quite seem to wrap my head around this.

I've built an app. The client was built with Vue-cli and runs on port 8080 from a client folder, and the server from a separate server folder on port 8081. In essence, I have this:

    - package.json
    - node_modules
    - src
    - build
    - index.html

    - package.json
    - node_modules
    - app.js
    - auth.js

I'm unsure of how to resolve the folder structure so that I can deploy this to Heroku.

According to a bunch of research I've done and this answer (admittedly quite an old post), one suggestion is to combine the two, but how would I resolve the two package.json files that I have in each folder (client and server)? Do I merge them?

Another suggestion is to create two separate Heroku apps. I can then set my axios baseURL to app_name.herokuapp.com?

Which of the two is generally considered the ideal solution? I'm really stuck here...

like image 855
Modermo Avatar asked Feb 27 '18 23:02


People also ask

Can you deploy a full stack app on Heroku?

In the Heroku GUI, within your app's dashboard, navigate to the Deploy tab and click the Deploy Branch button. After the app finishes building, click the View button to see your new full-stack app up-and-running.

2 Answers

As far as I know nowadays making two deploys is the most used solution for big projects evolving many devs, in one part your frontend with vue.js that will fetch the data from a remote api which is your backend and second deploy. Exactly, you will have to change your baseURL to app_name.herokuapp.com Also you will probably will have to enable CORS.

Also if you want to try new things I recommend you try surge for your front deployment ;) so easy and so fast!

Maybe you already know it but, Heroku sets it's own ports so you will need to create a .env file and assign it via ssh or manually in the Heroku dashboard.

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Joan Albert Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Joan Albert

This repo shows the setup of Node.js serving up a React frontend running on a single Heroku dyno: https://github.com/mars/heroku-cra-node

I was able to get one up and running using this as a guide. For cleanliness i modified my folder structure to be very similar to op's: client/ server/ package.json .gitignore .env (etc)

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Mark Jackson Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Mark Jackson