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args4j: How to make an argument required if another argument is/isn't given?

String fileName;

String table;

I would like to make the --table option be required if and only if no value is given for --in-file. How might I go about doing this? I know that there are some solutions (I think at least) where I can do this with multiple classes, but that seems like overkill for only two arguments in a simple program.

I know I can also manually check the values after the parsing is completed, but that seems to defeat the purpose of using args4j.

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Matthew Herbst Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 06:03

Matthew Herbst

1 Answers

You can use forbids as you mentioned.

@Options(name="--in-file", forbids{"--table"})
String fileName;

@Option(name="--table", forbids={"--in-file"})
String table;

And you can add check-condition in your class.

if (fileName == null && table == null) {
    throw new CmdLineException();

You can set exception message same with message shown when required option set.

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Ilya Zakirzyanov Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 03:04

Ilya Zakirzyanov