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Are there such things as destructors in Swift?



Are there reserved keywords for destructors in Swift? Is there even a need for such a thing in this language?

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S. Chandra Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 01:09

S. Chandra

People also ask

What is the use of destructor in C?

Destructors in C# are methods inside the class used to destroy instances of that class when they are no longer needed. The Destructor is called implicitly by the.NET Framework’s Garbage collector and therefore programmer has no control as when to invoke the destructor.

What is the difference between an instance variable and a destructor?

An instance variable or an object is eligible for destruction when it is no longer reachable. A Destructor is unique to its class i.e. there cannot be more than one destructor in a class.

What is a destructor in the NET Framework?

The Destructor is called implicitly by the .NET Framework’s Garbage collector and therefore programmer has no control as when to invoke the destructor. An instance variable or an object is eligible for destruction when it is no longer reachable. A Destructor is unique to its class i.e. there cannot be more than one destructor in a class.

What is the return type of Destructor?

A Destructor has no return type and has exactly the same name as the class name (Including the same case). It is distinguished apart from a constructor because of the Tilde symbol (~) prefixed to its name. A Destructor does not accept any parameters and modifiers.

1 Answers

Are there reserved keywords for destructors in Swift?

deinit (Deinitialization) handles cleanup which should occur before the object is released.

Is there even a need for such a thing in this language?

There are a few standard things done in deinit. Remove observers, synchronize the state of an object, and write trace messages for debugging. Other things are possible, just avoid long running chunks of code.

like image 86
Jeffery Thomas Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Jeffery Thomas