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Are there morphisms in Haskell?

I have some GADT which represents a term in the lambda-calculus.

data Term a = 
      Var a
    | Lambda a (Term a)
    | Apply (Term a) (Term a)

What I want to do is to have a general interface for transformation on that type. It should have type signature similar to this:

(Term a -> Term a) -> Term a -> Term a

It's easy to write this function:

fmap' :: (Term a → Term a) → Term a → Term a 
fmap' f (Var v) = f (Var v)
fmap' f (Lambda v t) = Lambda v (fmap' f t)
fmap' f (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (fmap' f t1) (fmap' f t2)

So, my question is there some kind of general structure in haskell (or haskell library) to make this kind of transformations (similar to Functor, it should probably called morphism)?

like image 529
Andrew Avatar asked Aug 14 '11 16:08


2 Answers

For reference, here are the terms...

data Term a = 
      Var a
    | Lambda a (Term a)
    | Apply (Term a) (Term a)

(I note that the representation of variables is abstracted, which is often a good plan.)

...and here is the proposed function.

fmap' :: (Term a → Term a) → Term a → Term a 
fmap' f (Var v) = f (Var v)
fmap' f (Lambda v t) = Lambda v (fmap' f t)
fmap' f (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (fmap' f t1) (fmap' f t2)

What bothers me about this definition is that f is only ever applied to terms of form (Var v), so you might as well implement substitution.

subst :: (a → Term a) → Term a → Term a 
subst f (Var v) = f v
subst f (Lambda v t) = Lambda v (subst f t)
subst f (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (subst f t1) (subst f t2)

If you took slightly more care to distinguish bound from free variables, you'd be able to make Term a Monad with substitution implementing (>>=). In general, terms can have a Functor structure for renaming and a Monad structure for substitution. There's a lovely paper by Bird and Paterson about that, but I digress.

Meanwhile, if you do want to act other than at variables, one general approach is to use general purpose traversal toolkits like uniplate, as augustss suggests. Another possibility, perhaps slightly more disciplined, is to work with the ‘fold’ for your type.

tmFold :: (x -> y) -> (x -> y -> y) -> (y -> y -> y) -> Term x -> y
tmFold v l a (Var x)       = v x
tmFold v l a (Lambda x t)  = l x (tmFold v l a t)
tmFold v l a (Apply t t')  = a (tmFold v l a t) (tmFold v l a t')

Here, v, l and a define an alternative algebra for your Term-forming operations, only acting on y, rather than Term x, explaining how to handle variables, lambdas and applications. You might choose y to be m (Term x) for some suitable monad m (e.g., threading an environment for the variables), rather than just Term x itself. Each subterm is processed to give a y, then the appropriate function is chosen to produce the y for the whole term. The fold captures the standard recursion pattern.

Ordinary first-order datatypes (and some well-behaved higher-order datatypes) can all be equipped with fold-operators. At a cost to readability, you can even write the fold operator once and for all.

data Fix f = In (f (Fix f))

fixFold :: Functor f => (f y -> y) -> Fix f -> y
fixFold g (In xf) = g (fmap (fixFold g) xf)

data TermF a t
  = VarF a
  | LambdaF a t
  | ApplyF t t

type Term a = Fix (TermF a)

Unlike your recursive Term a, this TermF a t explains how to make one layer of a term, with t elements in the subterm places. We get back the recursive Term structure by using the recursive Fix type. We lose a little cosmetically, in that each layer has an extra In wrapping it. We can define

var x      = In (VarF x)
lambda x t = In (LambdaF x t)
apply t t' = In (Apply x t t')

but we can't use those definitions in pattern matching. The payoff, though, is that we can use the generic fixFold at no extra cost. To compute a y from a term, we need only give a function of type

TermF a y -> y

which (just like v, l, and a above) explains how to handle any term whose subterms have already been processed to values of type y. By being explicit in types about what one layer consists of, we can tap into the general pattern of working layer by layer.

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pigworker Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 18:11


Have a look at the uniplate package. It can do the kind of transformations you are talking about, but for an arbitrary data structure.

like image 29
augustss Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 17:11
