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Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed]





During my apprenticeship, I have used NHibernate for some smaller projects which I mostly coded and designed on my own. Now, before starting some bigger project, the discussion arose how to design data access and whether or not to use an ORM layer. As I am still in my apprenticeship and still consider myself a beginner in enterprise programming, I did not really try to push in my opinion, which is that using an object relational mapper to the database can ease development quite a lot. The other coders in the development team are much more experienced than me, so I think I will just do what they say. :-)

However, I do not completely understand two of the main reasons for not using NHibernate or a similar project:

  1. One can just build one’s own data access objects with SQL queries and copy those queries out of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Debugging an ORM can be hard.

So, of course I could just build my data access layer with a lot of SELECTs etc, but here I miss the advantage of automatic joins, lazy-loading proxy classes and a lower maintenance effort if a table gets a new column or a column gets renamed. (Updating numerous SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE queries vs. updating the mapping config and possibly refactoring the business classes and DTOs.)

Also, using NHibernate you can run into unforeseen problems if you do not know the framework very well. That could be, for example, trusting the Table.hbm.xml where you set a string’s length to be automatically validated. However, I can also imagine similar bugs in a “simple” SqlConnection query based data access layer.

Finally, are those arguments mentioned above really a good reason not to utilise an ORM for a non-trivial database based enterprise application? Are there probably other arguments they/I might have missed?

(I should probably add that I think this is like the first “big” .NET/C# based application which will require teamwork. Good practices, which are seen as pretty normal on Stack Overflow, such as unit testing or continuous integration, are non-existing here up to now.)

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hangy Avatar asked Oct 11 '08 14:10


People also ask

When should you not use an ORM?

Whether or not you should use ORM isn't about other people's values, or even your own. It's about choosing the right technique for your application based on its technical requirements. Use ORM or don't based not on personal values but on what your app needs more: control over data access, or less code to maintain.

What are two reasons why we would want to use an ORM?

16 Answers. Show activity on this post. The most important reason to use an ORM is so that you can have a rich, object oriented business model and still be able to store it and write effective queries quickly against a relational database.

Is ORM good or bad?

A good ORM can lead to much less code (and much less repetition) in a project, and nothing is as strongly correlated with bugs as quantity of original code. ORMs are generally designed to handle the most common use cases for working with databases. Complex queries may still need to be written explicitly.

1 Answers

The short answer is yes, there are really good reasons. As a matter of fact there are cases where you just cannot use an ORM.

Case in point, I work for a large enterprise financial institution and we have to follow a lot of security guidelines. To meet the rules and regulations that are put upon us, the only way to pass audits is to keep data access within stored procedures. Now some may say that's just plain stupid, but honestly it isn't. Using an ORM tool means the tool/developer can insert, select, update or delete whatever he or she wants. Stored procedures provide a lot more security, especially in environments when dealing with client data. I think this is the biggest reason to consider. Security.

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Keith Elder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Keith Elder