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Are there convenient tools to automatically check C++ coding conventions beyond style checks?

Are there good tools to automatically check C++ projects for coding conventions like e.g.:

all thrown objects have to be classes derived from std::exception (i.e. throw 42; or throw "runtime error"; would be flagged as errors, just like throw std::string("another runtime error"); or throwing any other type not derived from std::exception)

In the end I'm looking for something like Cppcheck but with a simpler way to add new checks than hacking the source code of the check tool... May be even something with a nice little GUI which allows you to set up the rules, write them to disk and use the rule set in an IDE like Eclipse or an continuous integration server like Jenkins.

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g_daniel Avatar asked May 03 '12 09:05


People also ask

How do you write a good CPP?

Here are some hints for writing better C++ programs, in no particular order: Write only one statement per line. Limit lines to 80 characters maximum. When using line comments (i.e., comments at the end of a line of code), be sure that the comments on different lines begin in the same column.

2 Answers

I ran a number of static analysis tools on my current project and here are some of the key takeaways:

  • I used Visual Lint as a single entry point for running all these tools. VL is a plug-in for VS to run third-party static analysis tools and allows a single click route from the report to the source code. Apart from supporting a GUI for selecting between the different levels of errors reported it also provides automated background analysis (that tells you how many errors have been fixed as you go), manual analysis for a single file, color coded error displays and charting facility. The VL installer is pretty spiffy and extremely helpful when you're trying to add new static analysis tools (it even helps you download Python from ActiveState should you want to use Google cpplint and don't have Python pre-installed!). You can learn more about VL here: http://www.riverblade.co.uk/products/visual_lint/features.html

  • Of the numerous tools that can be run with VL, I chose three that work with native C++ code: cppcheck, Google cpplint and Inspirel Vera++. These tools have different capabilities.

  • Cppcheck: This is probably the most common one and we have all used it. So, I'll gloss over the details. Suffice to say that it catches errors such as using postfix increment for non-primitive types, warns about using size() when empty() should be used, scope reduction of variables, incorrect name qualification of members in class definition, incorrect initialization order of class members, missing initializations, unused variables, etc. For our codebase cppcheck reported about 6K errors. There were a few false positives (such as unused function) but these were suppresed. You can learn more about cppcheck here: http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/manual.pdf

  • Google cpplint: This is a python based tool that checks your source for style violations. The style guide against which this validation is done can be found here: http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml (which is basically Google's C++ style guide). Cpplint produced ~ 104K errors with our codebase of which most errors are related to whitespaces (missing or extra), tabs, brace position etc. A few that are probably worth fixing are: C-style casts, missing headers.

  • Inspirel Vera++: This is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code. This is similar to cpplint in functionality. A list of the available rules can be found here: http://www.inspirel.com/vera/ce/doc/rules/index.html and a similar list of available transformations can be found here: http://www.inspirel.com/vera/ce/doc/transformations/index.html. Details on how to add your own rule can be found here: http://www.inspirel.com/vera/ce/doc/tclapi.html. For our project, Vera++ found about 90K issues (for the 20 odd rules).

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dirkgently Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10


In the upcoming state: Manuel Klimek, from Google, is integrating in the Clang mainline a tool that has been developed at Google for querying and transforming C++ code.

  • The tooling infrastructure has been layed out, it may fill up but it is already functional. The main idea is that it allows you to define actions and will run those actions on the selected files.

  • Google has created a simple set of C++ classes and methods to allow querying the AST in a friendly way: the AST Matcher framework, it is being developped and will allow very precise matching in the end.

It requires creating an executable at the moment, but the code is provided as libraries so it's not necessary to edit it, and one-off transformation tools can be dealt with in a single source file.

Example of the Matcher (found in this thread): the goal is to find calls to the constructor overload of std::string formed from the result of std::string::c_str() (with the default allocator), because it can be replaced by a simple copy instead.

    // The first argument must have the form x.c_str() or p->c_str()
    // where the method is string::c_str(). We can use the copy
    // constructor of string instead (or the compiler might share
    // the string object).
        Id("call", Call(
            Callee(Id("member", MemberExpression())),
            On(Id("arg", Expression()))
    // The second argument is the alloc object which must not be
    // present explicitly.
    HasArgument(1, DefaultArgument())

It is very promising compared to ad-hoc tool because it uses the Clang compiler AST library, so not only it is guaranteed that no matter how complicated the macros and template stuff that are used, as long as your code compiles it can be analyzed; but it also means that intricates queries that depend on the result of overload resolution can be expressed.

This code returns actual AST nodes from within the Clang library, so the programmer can locate the bits and nits precisely in the source file and edit to tweak it according to her needs.

There has been talk about using a textual matching specification, however it was deemed better to start with the C++ API as it would have added much complexity (and bike-shedding). I hope a Python API will emerge.

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Matthieu M. Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Matthieu M.