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Are there any Linear Regression Function in SQL Server?

Are there any Linear Regression Function in SQL Server 2005/2008, similar to the the Linear Regression functions in Oracle ?

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rao Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 09:03


People also ask

Can you do a linear regression in SQL?

Simple Linear Regression is handy for the SQL Programmer in making a prediction of a linear trend and giving a figure for the level probability for the prediction, and what is more, they are easy to do with the aggregation that is built into SQL.

How is R2 calculated in SQL?

You could calculate R Squared by hand and create a variable 'R2' equal to (Nxysum - xsumysum)^2/ (Nx2sum - xsumxsum) (Ny2sum - ysumysum)? Where xsum and ysum are the sum of your values and N is the number of observations. You can apply the same logic to T-SQL.

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We have added 5 new functions in the latest release of XLeratorDB / statistics 2008. Four of these functions, LOGIT, LOGITSUM, LOGITPRED, and LOGITPROB are SQL Server implementations of the logistic regression, often referred to as the logit regression.

What is linear regression in DBMS?

Linear regression is the type of regression that forms a relationship between the target variable and one or more independent variables utilizing a straight line. The given equation represents the equation of linear regression. Y = a + b*X + e. Where, a represents the intercept.

1 Answers

To the best of my knowledge, there is none. Writing one is pretty straightforward, though. The following gives you the constant alpha and slope beta for y = Alpha + Beta * x + epsilon:

-- test data (GroupIDs 1, 2 normal regressions, 3, 4 = no variance) WITH some_table(GroupID, x, y) AS (       SELECT 1,  1,  1    UNION SELECT 1,  2,  2    UNION SELECT 1,  3,  1.3     UNION SELECT 1,  4,  3.75 UNION SELECT 1,  5,  2.25 UNION SELECT 2, 95, 85       UNION SELECT 2, 85, 95    UNION SELECT 2, 80, 70    UNION SELECT 2, 70, 65       UNION SELECT 2, 60, 70    UNION SELECT 3,  1,  2    UNION SELECT 3,  1, 3   UNION SELECT 4,  1,  2    UNION SELECT 4,  2,  2),  -- linear regression query /*WITH*/ mean_estimates AS (   SELECT GroupID           ,AVG(x * 1.)                                             AS xmean           ,AVG(y * 1.)                                             AS ymean     FROM some_table     GROUP BY GroupID ), stdev_estimates AS (   SELECT pd.GroupID           -- T-SQL STDEV() implementation is not numerically stable           ,CASE      SUM(SQUARE(x - xmean)) WHEN 0 THEN 1             ELSE SQRT(SUM(SQUARE(x - xmean)) / (COUNT(*) - 1)) END AS xstdev           ,     SQRT(SUM(SQUARE(y - ymean)) / (COUNT(*) - 1))     AS ystdev     FROM some_table pd     INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pd.GroupID     GROUP BY pd.GroupID, pm.xmean, pm.ymean ), standardized_data AS                   -- increases numerical stability (   SELECT pd.GroupID           ,(x - xmean) / xstdev                                    AS xstd           ,CASE ystdev WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE (y - ymean) / ystdev END AS ystd     FROM some_table pd     INNER JOIN stdev_estimates ps ON ps.GroupID = pd.GroupID     INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pd.GroupID ), standardized_beta_estimates AS (   SELECT GroupID           ,CASE WHEN SUM(xstd * xstd) = 0 THEN 0                 ELSE SUM(xstd * ystd) / (COUNT(*) - 1) END         AS betastd     FROM standardized_data pd     GROUP BY GroupID ) SELECT pb.GroupID       ,ymean - xmean * betastd * ystdev / xstdev                   AS Alpha       ,betastd * ystdev / xstdev                                   AS Beta FROM standardized_beta_estimates pb INNER JOIN stdev_estimates ps ON ps.GroupID = pb.GroupID INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pb.GroupID 

Here GroupID is used to show how to group by some value in your source data table. If you just want the statistics across all data in the table (not specific sub-groups), you can drop it and the joins. I have used the WITH statement for sake of clarity. As an alternative, you can use sub-queries instead. Please be mindful of the precision of the data type used in your tables as the numerical stability can deteriorate quickly if the precision is not high enough relative to your data.

EDIT: (in answer to Peter's question for additional statistics like R2 in the comments)

You can easily calculate additional statistics using the same technique. Here is a version with R2, correlation, and sample covariance:

-- test data (GroupIDs 1, 2 normal regressions, 3, 4 = no variance) WITH some_table(GroupID, x, y) AS (       SELECT 1,  1,  1    UNION SELECT 1,  2,  2    UNION SELECT 1,  3,  1.3     UNION SELECT 1,  4,  3.75 UNION SELECT 1,  5,  2.25 UNION SELECT 2, 95, 85       UNION SELECT 2, 85, 95    UNION SELECT 2, 80, 70    UNION SELECT 2, 70, 65       UNION SELECT 2, 60, 70    UNION SELECT 3,  1,  2    UNION SELECT 3,  1, 3   UNION SELECT 4,  1,  2    UNION SELECT 4,  2,  2),  -- linear regression query /*WITH*/ mean_estimates AS (   SELECT GroupID           ,AVG(x * 1.)                                             AS xmean           ,AVG(y * 1.)                                             AS ymean     FROM some_table pd     GROUP BY GroupID ), stdev_estimates AS (   SELECT pd.GroupID           -- T-SQL STDEV() implementation is not numerically stable           ,CASE      SUM(SQUARE(x - xmean)) WHEN 0 THEN 1             ELSE SQRT(SUM(SQUARE(x - xmean)) / (COUNT(*) - 1)) END AS xstdev           ,     SQRT(SUM(SQUARE(y - ymean)) / (COUNT(*) - 1))     AS ystdev     FROM some_table pd     INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pd.GroupID     GROUP BY pd.GroupID, pm.xmean, pm.ymean ), standardized_data AS                   -- increases numerical stability (   SELECT pd.GroupID           ,(x - xmean) / xstdev                                    AS xstd           ,CASE ystdev WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE (y - ymean) / ystdev END AS ystd     FROM some_table pd     INNER JOIN stdev_estimates ps ON ps.GroupID = pd.GroupID     INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pd.GroupID ), standardized_beta_estimates AS (   SELECT GroupID           ,CASE WHEN SUM(xstd * xstd) = 0 THEN 0                 ELSE SUM(xstd * ystd) / (COUNT(*) - 1) END         AS betastd     FROM standardized_data     GROUP BY GroupID ) SELECT pb.GroupID       ,ymean - xmean * betastd * ystdev / xstdev                   AS Alpha       ,betastd * ystdev / xstdev                                   AS Beta       ,CASE ystdev WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE betastd * betastd END        AS R2       ,betastd                                                     AS Correl       ,betastd * xstdev * ystdev                                   AS Covar FROM standardized_beta_estimates pb INNER JOIN stdev_estimates ps ON ps.GroupID = pb.GroupID INNER JOIN mean_estimates  pm ON pm.GroupID = pb.GroupID 

EDIT 2 improves numerical stability by standardizing data (instead of only centering) and by replacing STDEV because of numerical stability issues. To me, the current implementation seems to be the best trade-off between stability and complexity. I could improve stability by replacing my standard deviation with a numerically stable online algorithm, but this would complicate the implementation substantantially (and slow it down). Similarly, implementations using e.g. Kahan(-Babuška-Neumaier) compensations for the SUM and AVG seem to perform modestly better in limited tests, but make the query much more complex. And as long as I do not know how T-SQL implements SUM and AVG (e.g. it might already be using pairwise summation), I cannot guarantee that such modifications always improve accuracy.

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stephan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
