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Are there any free Windows Perl IDE with debugging? [closed]

Are there any free Perl IDEs out there for Windows that have debugging capabilities, syntax highlighting, and possibly even IntelliSense?

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Jeremy Edwards Avatar asked Jan 31 '09 19:01

Jeremy Edwards

People also ask

Does Perl have a debugger?

In Perl, the debugger is not a separate program the way it usually is in the typical compiled environment. Instead, the -d flag tells the compiler to insert source information into the parse trees it's about to hand off to the interpreter.

How do you breakpoint in Perl?

A temporary(one-time-only) breakpoint can be set with the use of c-command by supplying a line number: DB<15> c 12 main::(debugtest:12): &readsubdirs($vardir); The argument 12 specified with the c-command tells the debugger to set a temporary breakpoint at line 12 and then continue execution.

2 Answers

There is an overview of Perl IDE's here. I find Padre very promising, but I'm not sure it already has all features you need (if not it probably will soon).

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Leon Timmermans Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Leon Timmermans

Eclipse with addons perhaps?

Have a look at EPIC


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user58849 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10
