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Demystifying the Perl glob (*)




In this question the poster asked how to do the following in one line:

sub my_sub {
    my $ref_array = shift;
    my @array = @$ref_array;

which with my knowledge of the basic Perl magic I would avoid by simply using something like:

sub my_sub {
    my $ref_array = shift;
    for (@$ref_array) {
      #do somthing with $_ here

    #use $ref_array->[$element] here

However in this answer one of SO's local monks tchrist suggested:

sub my_sub {
  local *array = shift();
  #use @array here

When I asked

In trying to learn the mid-level Perl magic, can I ask, what is it that you are setting to what here? Are you setting a reference to @array to the arrayref that has been passed in? How do you know that you create @array and not %array or $array? Where can I learn more about this * operator (perlop?). Thanks!

I was suggested to ask it as a new post, though he did give nice references. Anyway, here goes? Can someone please explain what gets assigned to what and how come @array gets created rather than perhaps %array or $array? Thanks.

like image 671
Joel Berger Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 16:02

Joel Berger

2 Answers

Assignment to a glob

*glob = VALUE

contains some magic that depends on the type of VALUE (i.e., return value of, say, Scalar::Util::reftype(VALUE)). If VALUE is a reference to a scalar, array, hash, or subroutine, then only that entry in the symbol table will be overwritten.

This idiom

local *array = shift();
#use @array here

works as documented when the first argument to the subroutine is an array reference. If the first argument was instead, say, a scalar reference, then only $array and not @array would be affected by the assignment.

A little demo script to see what is going on:

no strict;

sub F {
  local *array = shift;

  print "\@array = @array\n";
  print "\$array = $array\n";
  print "\%array = ",%array,"\n";
  print "------------------\n";

$array = "original scalar";
%array = ("original" => "hash");
@array = ("orignal","array");

$foo = "foo";
@foo = ("foo","bar");
%foo = ("FOO" => "foo");

F ["new","array"];        # array reference
F \"new scalar";          # scalar reference
F {"new" => "hash"};      # hash reference
F *foo;                   # typeglob
F 'foo';                  # not a reference, but name of assigned variable
F 'something else';       # not a reference
F ();                     # undef


@array = new array
$array = original scalar
%array = originalhash
@array = orignal array
$array = new scalar
%array = originalhash
@array = orignal array
$array = original scalar
%array = newhash
@array = foo bar
$array = foo
%array = FOOfoo
@array = foo bar
$array = foo
%array = FOOfoo
@array =
$array =
%array =
@array = orignal array
$array = original scalar
%array = originalhash

Additional doc at perlmod and perldata. Back in the days before references were a part of Perl, this idiom was helpful for passing arrays and hashes into subroutines.

like image 187
mob Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


With my admittedly less-than-wizard knowledge of Perl, I'll venture an answer. The * operator assigns the symbol table entry. As I understand it, @array, %array, and $array all refer to the same symbol table entry for the string 'array', but to different fields in that entry: the ARRAY, HASH, and SCALAR fields. So assigning local *array = shift; actually assigns the entire local symbol table entry for 'array' (including the ARRAY, HASH, and SCALAR fields) to what was passed used in the caller.

like image 30
Ted Hopp Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10

Ted Hopp