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Are there any easy-to-configure webserver with ruby for Windows?

Are there any easy-to-configure webserver with ruby for Windows ?

I am hoping to find a webserver that can easily be configured to work with Ruby on Rails or Sinatra.

Anyone know of any ?

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Prakash Raman Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 07:02

Prakash Raman

2 Answers

I use Sinatra+Thin on Windows, sometimes behind either Apache or Nginx as a reverse proxy (to speed up serving static files and to create a pool of 2-4 server instances). The speed is not as good as it is on Ubuntu with similar (or lesser) hardware, but at work I have to use certain servers allocated to me.

To use Thin with Sinatra, simply install Thin, and Sinatra will use it. If you need further help configuring Apache or Nginx, post more questions (after searching the web, of course).

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Phrogz Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10


If you want easy, stay with WEBrick.

If you want a production server, go with Apache + Passenger. But that won't be as simple as just using WEBrick.

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Daniel Rikowski Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Daniel Rikowski