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Are there any documented projects where CouchDB was tried and rejected?




I keep seeing references to the idea that "CouchDB may not be the best tool in every situation." This is good to know, but unfortunately also applies to every technology.

What would be much more helpful is a description of how CouchDB was tried on a project and subsequently abandoned for a traditional SQL database.

If you've tried CouchDB on a project and later gone back to a SQL database, what factors played the biggest role?

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Rich Apodaca Avatar asked Jan 09 '10 16:01

Rich Apodaca

4 Answers

You might want to check out the following articles, which describe a few examples:

  • Why CouchDB Sucks
  • Stack Overflow - When to use CouchDB vs RDBMS
  • When to use CouchDB, when not to...
  • Top 10 Reasons to Avoid the SimpleDB Hype
  • Does CouchDB supports referential integrity?
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Daniel Vassallo Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Daniel Vassallo

There’s a good CouchDB post-mortem from Sauce Labs here:

  • http://sauceio.com/index.php/2012/05/goodbye-couchdb/

And another from Signal here:

  • http://blog.signalhq.com/2012/01/24/getting-off-the-couchdb/
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Paul D. Waite Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09

Paul D. Waite

Its marketing slogans "Relax, it's easy" and "CouchDB bult for the Web" - it's not true.


  1. It's not easy. Ha-ha, writing map/reduce for every query is easy, really? Did someone who advocates it actually tried this approach, on something real I mean, not just two-weekends-blog app?
  2. Some common web-app tasks is hard to do with CouchDB (try to get Post with its Comments Count in one query or Tag Cloud (top N tags, not just counts of tags) to see it for Yourself.

So, CouchDB has very interesting and unique features, but its marketing is wrong. It's not for a general web app, it's a nice but a very specialized tool.

P.S. More details http://alex-craft.com/blog/2013/a-little-about-cochudb-and-comparison-with-mongodb

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Alex Craft Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Alex Craft

you might find this page useful http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Comparing+Mongo+DB+and+Couch+DB

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dm. Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
