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Dropping unnamed constraints




I've created some foreign keys without an explicit name.

Then I've found SQL generated crazy names like FK__Machines__IdArt__760D22A7. Guess they will be generated with different names at different servers.

Is there any nice function to drop the unnamed FK constraints passing as arguments the tables and the fields in question?

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nano Avatar asked Mar 22 '09 12:03


People also ask

Can we drop a constraint in SQL?

You can delete a check constraint in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL. Deleting check constraints removes the limitations on data values that are accepted in the column or columns included in the constraint expression.

Can we drop constraint?

To drop an existing constraint, specify the DROP CONSTRAINT keywords and the identifier of the constraint. To drop multiple constraints on the same table, the constraint names must be in comma-separated list that is delimited by parentheses. The constraint that you drop can have an ENABLED, DISABLED, or FILTERING mode.

How do you drop unnamed constraints?

First, inspect the name given to the FK by the RDBMS, it has the same prefix and body but differs only in suffix hash. Second, select names of these constraints. Third, exec alter command that drops them.

2 Answers

For dropping an individual unnamed default constrain on a column use the following code:

DECLARE @ConstraintName VARCHAR(256)
SET @ConstraintName = (
     SELECT             obj.name
     FROM               sys.columns col 

     LEFT OUTER JOIN    sys.objects obj 
     ON                 obj.object_id = col.default_object_id 
     AND                obj.type = 'F' 

     WHERE              col.object_id = OBJECT_ID('TableName') 
     AND                obj.name IS NOT NULL
     AND                col.name = 'ColunmName'

IF(@ConstraintName IS NOT NULL)
    EXEC ('ALTER TABLE [TableName] DROP CONSTRAINT ['+@ConstraintName+']')

If you want to do this for a default column, which is probably more common than the original question and I'm sure a lot of people will land on this from a Google search, then just change the line:

obj.type = 'F'


obj.type = 'D'
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Gunner Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


There is not a built in procedure to accomplish this, but you can build your own using the information in the information_schema views.

Table based example

Create Proc dropFK(@TableName sysname)

Declare @FK sysname
Declare @SQL nvarchar(4000)
Declare crsFK cursor for

select tu.Constraint_Name from 
information_schema.constraint_table_usage TU
ON TU.Constraint_NAME = SO.NAME
where xtype = 'F'
and Table_Name = @TableName
open crsFK
fetch next from crsFK into @FK
While (@@Fetch_Status = 0)
    Set @SQL = 'Alter table ' + @TableName + ' Drop Constraint ' + @FK
    Print 'Dropping ' + @FK
    exec sp_executesql  @SQL
    fetch next from crsFK into @FK
Close crsFK
Deallocate crsFK
like image 37
cmsjr Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
