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Are there any built in auto-complete input components for Polymer 1.0? [closed]

I've been muddling around with Polymer 1.0 since its release, and I've hit a use case where a select list just won't be sufficient (too many options to select from). What I really need is an autocomplete textbox.

Is there one built-in or planned in the paper or iron Polymer controls? Or should I be looking at autocomplete solutions from other frameworks? So far, I've been able to keep my app light-weight, and I'd prefer to avoid other frameworks if I can help it.



Edit: The best place I've seen to bring up a first-party developed autocomplete is on the PolymerElements/paper-elements repo on GitHub. I'd discuss at https://github.com/PolymerElements/paper-elements/issues/26.

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Ryan Nigro Avatar asked Jun 09 '15 16:06

Ryan Nigro

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1 Answers

Vaadin's combo box looks pretty solid:

Vaadin combo box

There is also Ellipticaljs's Paper Autocomplete, with a possible alternative md-autocomplete in the works.


You can find more autocomplete elements by searching at http://customelements.io.

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Dan Dascalescu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Dan Dascalescu