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Polymer iron-ajax element params with databinding is splitting the parameter into single chars

I have a problem with Polymers iron-ajax element. When calling it like this:

 <iron-ajax url="https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/root" params='{"access_token":"[[access_token]]"}'></iron-ajax>

It sends a url like this, splitting the whole params string into multiple parameters:


When using a normal String as parameter it works correctly so i guess the quotes are correct.

The script part of the Element which uses iron-ajax:


  is: 'onedrive-files',
  properties: {
    access_token: String

  ready: function() {

and i am calling the element like this:

<onedrive-files access_token="testtoken">

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Edit: With an getter Function:

    <dom-module id="onedrive-files">
    <iron-ajax id="ajax" url="https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/root" last-response="{{data}}" params='{{_getParams()}}' auto></iron-ajax>
      is: 'onedrive-files',
      properties: {
        access_token: String

      _getParams: function()
        return ('{"access_token":"' + this.access_token + '"}');

      ready: function() {


With setting the Param in the Ready function:

<dom-module id="onedrive-files">
    <iron-ajax id="ajax" url="https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/root" last-response="{{data}}" auto></iron-ajax>


      is: 'onedrive-files',
      properties: {
        access_token: String

      ready: function() {
        this.$.ajax.params = '{"access_token":"' + this.access_token + '"}';

like image 275
Sosian Avatar asked Dec 08 '15 19:12


2 Answers

It seems like this is another limitation of dynamic attributes. So, the usual fallback for such cases are getter functions :

 <iron-ajax url="https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/root" params='{{_getParams(access_token)}}'></iron-ajax>



  is: 'onedrive-files',
  properties: {
    access_token: String
  _getParams:function(access_token) {
       return {access_token:access_token};
like image 134
Christoph Sonntag Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

Christoph Sonntag

The params property is an Object, and it looks like the parsing from the html attribute (which is String) only happens on attached.

IMHO the easiest solution is to set it before you generate the request. But set an Object, not an String. It will generate one GET param foreach element of the params Object, a String is a list of characters, so one GET param for each character...

this.$.myAjaxElement.set( 'params', {"access_token": this.access_token });
like image 7
Chu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10
