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Are LINQ expression trees proper trees?

Are LINQ expression trees proper trees, as in, graphs (directed or not, wikipedia does not seem too agree) without cycles? What is the root of an expression tree from the following C# expression?

(string s) => s.Length 

The expression tree looks like this, with "->" denoting the name of the property of the node the other node is accessible through.

     ->Parameters[0]  Lambda---------Parameter(string s)     \               /      \->Body       /->Expression       \           /       Member(Length) 

When using ExpressionVisitor to visit the LambdaExpression, the ParameterExpression is visited twice. Is there a way to use the ExpressionVisitor to visit the LambdaExpression so that all the nodes are visited exactly once, and in a specific, well-known order (pre-order, in-order, post-order etc.)?

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cynic Avatar asked Jan 24 '12 12:01


People also ask

What is a LINQ expression tree?

You can compile and run code represented by expression trees. This enables dynamic modification of executable code, the execution of LINQ queries in various databases, and the creation of dynamic queries. For more information about expression trees in LINQ, see How to use expression trees to build dynamic queries (C#).

What is the point of expression trees?

Basically expression trees gives the ability to interpret a compiled expression instead of executing it.

What is expression tree with example?

Each node in an expression tree is an expression. For example, an expression tree can be used to represent mathematical formula x < y where x, < and y will be represented as an expression and arranged in the tree like structure. Expression tree is an in-memory representation of a lambda expression.

What is expression tree in data structure?

An expression tree is a representation of expressions arranged in a tree-like data structure. In other words, it is a tree with leaves as operands of the expression and nodes contain the operators. Similar to other data structures, data interaction is also possible in an expression tree.

2 Answers

Sort of, yes. The actual "trunk" (if you will) of a LambdaExpression is the .Body; the parameters are necessary metadata about the structure of the tree (and what it needs), but .Parameters at the top (your dotted line) isn't really part of the tree's functional graph - it is only when those nodes are used later in the actual body of the tree that they are interesting, as value substitutions.

The ParameterExpression being visited twice is essential, so that it is possible for someone to swap the parameters if they wanted - for example, to build an entire new LambdaExpression with the same number of parameters, but different parameter instances (maybe changing the type).

The order will be fairly stable, but should be considered an implementation detail. For example, given a node such as Add(A,B), it should make no semantic difference whether I visit that A-first vs B-first.

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Marc Gravell

Just to add a bit to Marc's correct answer:

Are LINQ expression trees directed graphs without cycles?

First off, yes, an expression tree is a DAG -- a directed acyclic graph.

We know they are acyclic because expression trees are immutable, and therefore have to be built from the leaves up. In such a situation there is no way to make a cycle because all the nodes in the cycle would have to be allocated last, and clearly that's not going to happen.

Because the parts are immutable, the expression "tree" need not actually be a tree per se. As Marc points out, it is required that you re-use the reference for the parameter; that's how we determine when a declared parameter is used. It is somewhat strange, though legal, to re-use other parts too. For example, if you wanted to represent the expression tree for the body of (int x)=>(x + 1) * (x + 1), you could make an expression tree for (x + 1) and then make a multiplication node where both children were that expression tree.

When using ExpressionVisitor to visit the LambdaExpression, the ParameterExpression is visited twice. Is there a way to use the ExpressionVisitor to visit the LambdaExpression so that all the nodes are visited exactly once, and in a specific, well-known order (pre-order, in-order, post-order etc.)?

ExpressionVisitor is an abstract class. You can make your own concrete version of it that has the semantics you like. For example, you can override the Visit method such that it maintains a HashSet of nodes already seen, and does not call Accept on nodes that it has previously accepted.

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Eric Lippert