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Are CSS3 ::before and ::after pseudo elements supported by IE9 or not?

On this MS compatibility table it says, IE9 does not support pseudo-elements ::before and ::after, but when I try it seems it does... see JSBin

Am I doing something wrong? I thought ::before and ::after would be nice tools to hide stuff from IE9, when in fact, they don't.

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frequent Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 07:08


2 Answers

The CSS2 pseudo-elements :before and :after, with the traditional single-colon notation, are supported by IE8 and later. They are not new to CSS3.

The double-colon notation, on the other hand, is new to CSS3. IE9 does support this new notation for ::before and ::after, and likewise for the CSS1 pseudo-elements ::first-line and ::first-letter. Going forward, however, no new pseudo-element may use the single colon syntax, and browsers (including IE) are expected to support the double colon syntax for all pseudo-elements.

I have no clue why that table says IE9 doesn't support the new pseudo-element syntax, because it certainly does according to the docs for the individual selectors linked above, and your test case. As well as, of course, this answer.

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BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10


IE 9 supports the notations ::after and ::before (with two colons) in “standards mode”. In “quirks mode”, it does not. This can be tested e.g. as follows:

p::after  {  
  content: "***AFTER***";  
<p>Hello world 

Here the CSS rule is ignored, because IE 9 goes to quirks mode. But if you add the following line at the very start, IE 9 goes to standards mode and the CSS rule takes effect:

<!doctype html>

It is common in IE 9 that in quirks mode, new CSS features (most features that are neither in CSS 2.1 or in the IE legacy) are not supported. In quirks mode, IE 9 does not support the old one-colon notations :after and :before either. It supports them (but not the two-colon versions) in “IE 8 mode”, which you can select in developer tools (F12) manually, in the “document mode” menu, or at document level using the tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">.

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Jukka K. Korpela Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Jukka K. Korpela