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Why doesn't break word work on a long string with commas?




I have a long comma delimited string and I'm trying to use the css style word-wrap:break word but it doesn't seem to work on a string without spaces. Is this expected?

My table looks like this:

<table class="table table-striped" style="margin-top:20px;background-color:#f2f2f2;">
      <td width="150px" valign="top" style="white-space:nowrap;"><b>Favorite Activities:</b></td>
      <td width="50px" style="word-wrap:break-word;">some,really,really,long,long,string,with,out,any,spaces,just,a,comma,delimited,list</td>

Are there any work arounds for this?

like image 782
Paul Avatar asked Sep 24 '12 23:09


People also ask

How do you break words in a span?

You can use the CSS property word-wrap:break-word; , which will break words if they are too long for your span width.

How do you put a line break after a comma in CSS?

A line-break can be added in HTML, using only CSS, by employing the pseudo-class ::after or ::before . In the stylesheet, we use these pseudo-classes, with the HTML class or id, before or after the place where we want to insert a line-break. In myClass::after : Set the content property to "\a" (the new-line character).

How to break a single word using CSS?

The word-break property in CSS is used to specify how a word should be broken or split when reaching the end of a line. The word-wrap property is used to split/break long words and wrap them into the next line. word-break: break-all; It is used to break the words at any character to prevent overflow.

2 Answers

word-wrap:break-word; is still experimental, so different browsers might support it or not.

If you have can, insert a zero-width space after the commas. It's U+200B in Unicode, or &#8203; in HTML. The browser will break the string up at the zero-width space as it needs to. You can probably do that in whatever code is producing the HTML, or write some javascript to automatically insert the character.

See also Wikipedia.

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Michael Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10


I plused one Michael's answer for his workaround.

However, I've tested the word-wrap property on a few browsers (recent versions of safari, ff, chrome) and it does seem to be stable already (I've just read that it works too on the latest IE versions). What's seems to disturb the thing in your example Paul, is using it inside a table-cell (and anything with display: table-cell). In a div (with display: block), for example, it works perfectly fine.

Take a look at this fiddle. Mess around with it and you'll realize the same thing: http://jsfiddle.net/joplomacedo/DQmJB/

I've just found this has been already answered on a fairly popular question here on this site. The problem does come from it being used inside a table. The workaround suggested there is to set the table-layout to fixed and giving the table element a specific width: http://jsfiddle.net/joplomacedo/DQmJB/3/

If you're ok with adding a width to your table, then this might be a good way to do it.

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João Paulo Macedo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

João Paulo Macedo