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Are all method in java implictly virtual


If there are no compile time binding in java, do this mean all binding are done at runtime?

But as per OOPs concept for runtime binding, functions must have virtual keyword..ARE all methods implicitly virtual in java or is there any compile time binding exist in java

If there is any compile time binding, can you give me some specific situation, or links to further information

  1. Static (There is no meaning of binding here as static does not belongs to object)
  2. final (this is not a valid point as it can be achived in another way)
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Arun Avatar asked Oct 05 '12 18:10


People also ask

Are methods in Java Virtual?

In Java, methods are virtual by default and can be made non-virtual by using the final keyword. For example, in the following java program, show() is by default virtual and the program prints “Derived::show() called“.

Is everything virtual in Java?

Abstract: In Java all methods are virtual, meaning that the most derived method is always called. In earlier versions of Java, it was possible to trick the JVM by replacing the superclass with another wheere the method is defined as "private".

Why Java methods are virtual?

Java interface methods are all virtual. They must be virtual because they rely on the implementing classes to provide the method implementations. The code to execute will only be selected at run time. Example with virtual functions with abstract classes.

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2 Answers

All non-static, non-final and non-private methods are virtual by default in Java. However JVM is clever enough to find classes having only one implementation of given method and turn it into static binding.

This way you don't have to remember about virtual keyword (ever experienced memory leak due to missing virtual on destructor in C++?) while the performance is not impacted that much.

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Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

Non-static method invocation is the main (only) dynamic aspect of Java. All methods are virtual in Java. This does not apply to static methods, which are bound at compile time, based on the static type of object.

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emesx Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
