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Archive artifacts in jenkins

I have issue with archiving folder path in jenkins. I want only to archive what is inside my projects debug folder. I use following to do that.


When I use that it will archive what inside debug folder but keep the same folder structure (MyApp1/MyApp1/bin/Debug).
If I only need t archive the files inside debug (Debug/) folder what shoud I do.

Please advice me.

like image 905
New Developer Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 04:06

New Developer

People also ask

Where does Jenkins archive artifacts?

By default, Jenkins archives artifacts generated by the build. These artifacts are stored in the JENKINS_HOME directory with all other elements such as job configuration files.

How do I archive multiple artifacts in Jenkins pipeline?

You can use Ant-style pattern, e.g. target/*. jar to archive multiple artifacts. And it is possible to use a comma separated list of patterns if your files can't be matched with one pattern, e.g. target/*. jar, target/*.

How do you save artifacts in Jenkins?

In Jenkins, an artifact is created in either Freestyle projects or Pipeline projects. In Freestyle, add the “Archive the artifacts” post-build step. In Pipeline, use the archiveArtifacts step.

How do I remove an artifact from Jenkins?

The artifacts for a build by default are located in: [JENKINS_HOME]/jobs/[job_name]/builds/[$BUILD_ID]/archive/ , go there and delete it.

2 Answers

A cleaner way might be to have a stage dedicated to producing artifacts, set up with the appropriate working directory:

    stage('Release') {
        steps {
            dir('MyApp1/MyApp1/bin/Debug') {
                archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**', fingerprint: true
like image 94
Bruno Lalande Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Bruno Lalande

I created a method to achieve this:

def archiveFilesWithoutPath(globPattern) {
    def files = findFiles(glob: globPattern)
    for (def i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
        def file = files[i]
        def parentFolder = new File(file.path).getParent()
        dir(parentFolder) {
            archiveArtifacts file.name

Is is used like this:

archiveFilesWithoutPath '**/build/libs/*.jar'

The only downside currently is that you need to allow

new java.io.File java.lang.String


method java.io.File getParent

In the script approval.

like image 28
Roemer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10
